Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How to Slow Down Your Receding Hairline


So you have a receding hairline. Good chance it is the result of male pattern baldness caused by the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). The main things you want to do is slow it down, stop the loss of your hair and then re-grow your lost hair.

So how do you slow down it down? There are several ways to do it, but the first thing to do is determine what is causing your hair loss. As I mentioned earlier, 95% of men with a receding hairline can usually blame DHT for their loss.

Cause Of Receding Hairline

Determining the cause of your hair loss can be very simple. If your family, on either your mothers or fathers side, have a history of hair loss then the chances are good you are losing your hair from male pattern baldness caused by DHT.

If your family has no history of hair loss, then it would be best to visit a dermatologist to determine the exact cause of your receding hairline. There could be many reasons for your loss if it is not from DHT any where from stress to an improper diet or even the medicine you are taking.

Stopping Your Receding Hair

Once you have established the cause of your receding hairline then you can take action to stop it. This is easily done if the loss is not due to DHT. Just eliminate the cause such as eliminating the cause of the stress, change or eliminate your medicine or even improve your diet.

If your receding hairline is caused by DHT then it becomes a little more difficult. But fortunately there are two Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved drugs that can stop a receding hairline. They are Minoxidil and Finasteride.

Minoxidil is a solution you rub on your scalp in the area where you are losing your hair. While Finasteride is a pill you take daily.

To help improve the effects of either Minoxidil or Finasteride, it has been found that taking an herbal supplement, such as Saw Palmetto, can help stop your receding hairline by stopping the production of DHT.


To effectively stop your loss of hair at the hairline you need to remove the cause of your hair loss. This may mean to remove the cause of your stress or even change medicine. But for the majority of men, it will mean to eliminate the production of the hormone DHT by use of Minoxidil or Finasteride.

Jimmy Chase got into hair styling when he was in the Navy. After the Navy, he continued on in the profession of hair styling and studied how people can have beautiful hair.

Jimmy Chase started losing his hair when he turned 50. He has done lots of studies on loss of hair, in both men and women, to determine what works and what doesn't. He has successfully stopped his hair loss and has even re-grown some of his hair.

He promotes what he has learned about hair care, hair loss and re-growing hair via article writing which he has been doing since 2008.

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