Saturday, September 10, 2011

Esophagus Cancer Symptoms

Unfortunately for those who suffer frequent acid reflux or heartburn, a potential effect of this annoying condition is esophagus cancer. This particular cancer is not extremely widespread, but like any cancer, it can strike anybody at anytime. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. In this article, we'll review esophagus cancer symptoms, its common causes, and some prevention steps you can take.

What is Esophagus Cancer?

Simply put, it's a cancerous growth on the lining of the esophagus. Cells in the lining begin to change and grow, and the longer the cancer goes undetected, the larger and more widespread it can become.

How Can I Tell?

Some of the most common esophagus cancer symptoms are difficulty in swallowing, chest pain that is not heart-related and a sensation of pressure or fullness in the chest. Unfortunately, these symptoms are very common, and can indicate a number of other illnesses. Even more confusing, they can indicate something as benign as overeating!

If you feel or experience any of these (potential) esophagus cancer symptoms on a regular basis, or at a time when you know you haven't eaten too much, see a doctor. It's always better to be proactive about your health than to be diagnosed with latter-stage cancer. Cancers which are found early have the best rates of survival and successful treatment.

What Causes It?

Ironically, one of the most common esophagus cancer symptoms...chest also a symptom of one of its causes. It should be remembered that nobody is clear on what exactly causes this form of cancer, but science has given us many possibilities.

Heartburn, or acid reflux disease, occurs when irritating stomach acids reflux back up into the esophagus. Over time, this irritation, some believe, can damage the lining of the esophagus severely, and these damaged cells may turn malignant.

Several other causes and risk elements have been identified. They include smoking, obesity, a diet which lacks the proper amounts of vegetable and fruits, heavy alcohol consumption and the use of chewing tobacco. Nearly all of these put excess irritation and strain on the esophagus. Obesity appears to be a factor because excess weight increases the body's inflammatory response, raising the risk for virtually every kind of cancer.

Prevention Steps

Now that you know what can cause esophagus cancer, you probably already have a good idea of how to prevent it.

The very first thing you must to do prevent this and any cancer is to begin leading a healthier lifestyle. Stop smoking, cut way back on alcohol use and quit using smokeless tobacco. With your doctor's approval, begin an exercise regimen to help you lose weight and increase your body's overall health. Eat a healthy diet, paying close attention to vegetables, fruits and nuts.

While there is no magic action which will prevent cancer in every case, these very simple steps can help you to lead a more healthy life. A body which is fed properly and exercised regularly is healthier overall, and therefore less likely to develop any chronic disease, including cancer.

For more information about acid reflux complications, please visit

Cod Vs Cancer - Epic Fatty Acid Wars

In this corner, Cod, a mild, flaky fish that represents a number of different fish within the same species. The flesh is a great food and the livers are used to make cod liver oil. This unassuming contender is high in Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA. It is an outstanding dietary source of some of the best cancer fighting nutrients available to all man kind.

In this corner, the great dark challenger, Cancer, all kinds, all forms of this insidious sneaky opponent. Cancer really means just abnormal cells. These cells begin to take root and just keep growing and growing causing all manner of problems usually leading to the death of the host. In this epic battle, our little contender is cod and he holds a couple of secret knockout punches to take on this nasty fighter.

The first thing to get this battle going is increase the daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) to help build healthy cells and curtail the growth of abnormal cells already in the body. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids like those found in the cod fish have continually shown they can protect the body from cancer. The American Journal of Epidemiology published a Norwegian study that a significant decrease in certain cancers when the population had a higher than normal intake of fish oil. The study went on to say, "For those patients who have a high hereditary predisposition to cancer, fish oil supplementation can make an even greater difference in holding all cancers at bay."

In a study published by the Clinical Cancer Research, Dr. Witte and the staff compared diets and lifestyle profiles found that men who continued to eat fish or to make a conscious effort to have a higher than normal essential fatty acid intake reduced the incidence of caner by 63% and reduced the risk of aggressive cancers by more than 68%. Most of those who were afflicted actually died from other natural causes before the cancer could even become a factor. In most cases the cancer was not detected until a post-mortem was completed.

The study also showed that those participants who had more aggressive forms of cancer had a very low level of omega-3 fatty acids in their system and in their diet than their healthier counterparts. In fact had those participants with cancer added fish to their diet just 3 times a month their risk of developing more aggressive strains would have reduced by more than 36%. The omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil reduces overall inflammation in the body, strengthens the cardiovascular system and the autoimmune system.

The review of an additional 14 studies showed researchers a definite connection between the lower incidence of cancers and a higher intake of fish, fish oil and omega-3 supplements. Especially of those cancers of the nervous and digestive system. Women show a greater benefit from the consumption of fish oil than do men but this evidence is anecdotal at best and conclusions have yet to be drawn about a difference based on sex.

While cancer still holds a slight edge in the battle, the small cod fish and his pals, salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, and anchovies are gaining. As more people see the benefits of fish oil and as companies make it a more prominent item in their ingredient lists the incidence of all cancers should begin to decline. Fighting cancer takes all we have and every little advantage you can get, you should take. Fish oil and omega-3 supplements are a great advantage. Use it.

William Allen Wilson is a strong believer and writer within the Naturopathic community. He has been studying and living a naturally healthy lifestyle for more than 20 years and has recently been passing that information to his friends and family. Please visit our site Fish Oil Benefits for more information and to follow the updates as they become available.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Cancer Is Curable, All You Need Is Knowledge

We all believe there are only three ways to treat cancer but that is not true. There are certainly three ways that have a limited ability to remove some of the growths but they are not necessary cures. There are other ways that are far more effective because they deal with the cause or the reasons why it first grew but unfortunately no one can profit from them.

All cancers are curable but only by natural means. Natural ways to rid the body of cancer means finding the reasons why the growths first appeared and removing those reasons. That will allow the body to self-heal through our immune system. This system works for all cancers and works for everyone because we all have an immune system. A cancer growth is only a sign that something is wrong within the body so does it makes sense to weaken the body further with harsh treatments.

The cancer industry is keeping us submissive by suppressing information about true cures and persecuting anyone who dares strays from the three big money orientated treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. While they are very good at applying these treatments, these treatments won't prevent it from spreading or returning again because the growths are only the symptoms and not the problem.

I know it's a very brave choice to go against traditional medicine but true cures means dealing with the cause and that's something our medical specialists don't do. Our medical system is very good at diagnosing cancer but their treatments years ago were ineffective and they are still ineffective today.

If your cancer is serious the changes that are necessary won't be easy. Cancer is a serious disease and the treatment will need to be a full time commitment. Also there is no point in blaming a misplaced gene for a disease of modern western civilization. We have significant control over any bad genes we may have and that control is based on what we put in our mouths, exercise, sunshine, fresh air and adequate rest. That is, the way we should be living.

Of course using food and other lifestyle factors as medicine usually affects the body much more slowly that drugs. But in the end it is a much safer and more thorough option. It works by removing the causes of the illness, where as most drugs merely relieve the outer symptoms. Don't forget that your body strives to heal itself automatically every single day. What you need to do to assist it is to remove the barrier that's been stopping it from healing.

Exercise needs to be addressed as it is crucial when fighting cancer. Any cancer is a result of an immune system that didn't stop wayward cells in the body from dividing so your first priority is to strengthen the immune system and you do that with some exercise everyday. The immune system needs muscular activity to function properly and any form of exercise is beneficial. Simply walking or aerobics are both very beneficial.

Learn about cancer, search for information, and don't put your precious life in somebody else's hands. There is a wealth of information available today but you must be very selective in what you adopt. Any information on healing the body of cancer must revolve around natural living. That is consuming fresh food that's been unmolested by man, a little exercise everyday, a sensible amount of sunshine for the important vitamin D we gain from it, adequate rest and sleep and be aware of the many chemicals we unwittingly use that do cause us harm.

Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition. This article is part of the information contained in his book on genuine ways to overcome cancer using the natural healing ability of the human body. If you are seeking information on how to become cancer free, Alan's web page can be seen at;

Thursday, September 8, 2011

All About Cancer Chemotherapy

Cancer chemotherapy is a medical process used in treating all forms of cancer in the human body. Basically, the therapy makes use chemical compounds in dealing with cancerous tumors and other growing cells in the human body.

Cancer chemotherapy has a specific mechanism. It is meant to eradicate the mutating cells of cancer in the body with the help of the chemical compound in use. Oftentimes, the medical approach also destroys essential cells of the body in the bid to deal with the cancerous cells. This is usually one of the side effects of the therapy.

Cancer Chemotherapy Drugs
Some special drugs are usually used in cancer chemotherapy. In most cases the therapist decides on the right drug for each patient. Every form of cancer also has specific drugs used in dealing with it especially during chemotherapy. Among the various drugs used in chemotherapy include CPT-11, Accutane, Vectibix, Cyclophosphamide and many others. The drugs used in chemotherapy are actually numerous. The medical center and the therapist involved determine the kind of drug to be used. Again, your kind of cancer also determines the kind of drugs that can be used. The status or level of the cancerous condition is also considered when deciding on the drugs to be used.

In most cases, the drugs used in chemotherapy do cause side effects in the body of the patient. You may experience hair loss, heart damage, lung damage, severe headache, fever, nausea, change in taste, change in the nervous system and a lot more. These side effects can adequately be minimized or even prevented when qualified therapist is engaged in carrying out the chemotherapy process. Oftentimes, some drugs are combined in order to deal with some of the side effects.

How Chemotherapy works
Basically, chemotherapy works by destroying the growing cancerous cells in the body of the patient. The only danger here is that, the human body also has other vital cells such as the white blood cells, the red blood cells and the hair cells. Chemotherapy can as well destroy all of them if proper precaution is not taken. There's always the need to make distinction between the cancerous cells and other vital cells of the body. This is exactly where the help of a qualified therapist is needed. Hence, when thinking of going into the process of cancer chemotherapy, you really need to visit a reliable medical center where qualified therapists can be reached.

Cancer Chemotherapy is used to treat localized cancers but also to fight Metastatic cancers or cancer cells scattered throughout the body.

The Dismal Success of Anti-Cancer Treatments

A placebo is a term that describes the administration of a sugar pill or dummy procedure in order to test whether a drug or procedure is more effective than the power of belief. In an article in the Guardian (Thursday, June 20, 2002), Jerome Burne reported that "new research suggests that placebos work surprisingly well, ­ in fact, rather better than some conventional drugs."

A placebo (which literally means, "I shall please") is included as an indispensable element of every scientific study conducted today. The placebo effect is purely based on the subjective feelings of a person. Each person who is tested for the efficacy of a medical drug believes in the drug in a unique and unpredictable way. A certain number of people may have a hopeful, trusting disposition and, therefore, a stronger placebo response than others. Others may be suffering from depression, which is known to affect a person's ability to respond positively to any kind of treatment. As a result, one study may "prove" a particular drug to be effective for, let us say, a certain kind of cancer. However, if a repeat experiment is conducted with different subjects, this drug may turn out to be ineffective when compared to the placebo response.

For this reason, pharmaceutical companies instruct their paid researchers to publish only the most favorable findings from these various experiments. Those parts of the study where the drug has had no or only an insignificant advantage over the placebo effect are simply omitted from the study's final report.

The drug companies reporting their findings to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only need to prove that the tested drug has shown some benefit in some people. If the researchers manage to recruit enough candidates with a positive disposition that are likely to produce a good placebo response to the drug treatment, they may hit the jackpot and produce a "convincing" study, and a marketable drug.

This is a no-brainer for drug makers since FDA approval is granted to anti-cancer drugs based on response rates that are at best in the 10-20 percent. In addition, the "success" of most clinical cancer studies is measured by tumor shrinkage instead of mortality rate. In other words, even if most of the subjects died but had their tumors shrunk through aggressive treatments, the study would be hailed as a great success and a medical breakthrough.

Any such attempt to treat the human body as if it were a machine that just responds to mechanical or chemical manipulation is bound to have serious setbacks. Such an approach is not only unscientific, but also unethical and potentially harmful. For many cancer patients whose immune systems are already compromised, just one dose of chemotherapy or radiation can turn out to be fatal.

Senior cancer physician, Dr. Charles Moertel of the famous Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, once aptly summarized the modern cancer treatment dilemma in the following words: "Our most effective regimens are fraught with risks and side effects and practical problems, and after this price is paid by all the patients we have treated, only a small fraction are rewarded with a transient period of usually incomplete tumor regression."

The success record of modern cancer therapy is dismal, significantly less than even the weakest placebo response. On the average, remission occurs in only about 7 percent of cancer patients. Moreover, there is no evidence that this discouragingly low 7 percent "success rate" results from the treatments offered; it could just as well be in spite of the treatments. This is more likely, since not treating cancer at all has a much higher success rate than treating it. A drug treatment that promises temporary tumor shrinkage in 10 percent of patients is not a promising therapy; rather, it is a dangerous gamble with their life.


[This is an excerpt from the book CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE, IT'S A SURVIVAL MECHANISM by Andreas Moritz, available on ]

Moritz is a writer-practitioner in the field of Integrative Medicine and author of 13 books on various subjects pertaining to holistic health such as 'Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation', 'Feel Great, Lose Weight', 'The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush' and his newest book 'Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time'.

Andreas Moritz can be contacted on

Copyright © 2011 Andreas Moritz

Childhood Cancer: Why Me? Why Her? Why Us?

When your child is diagnosed with cancer, you can't help but ask yourself all sorts of practical "why" questions.

You scour your brain trying to figure out why your child got cancer when there are millions of other children that don't? Was it the fluorinated water we gave our children thinking it was good for them? Was it the fertility medications that I took while trying to conceive? Was it the prednisone that the doctor told me that I had to take in order to sustain the pregnancy? Why didn't I force her to eat more fruits and vegetables?

Then I moved on to spiritual questions. Why would God allow this to happen to a child? Why would He allow a child to be diagnosed with a disease that is so painful? Why didn't we have more warning so we could have caught it earlier? Why us? We are good people. We haven't done anything bad. We have attempted to take good care of our children and be upstanding people in the community.

Colleen was diagnosed in September 2007. I continue to ask myself many of these questions to this day. The frequency at which I ask myself has slowed and I feel like I can answer some of the questions, but I continue to ask them anyway because I am not always content with the answers.

I vividly remember a conversation that I had with a close friend and spiritual advisor shortly after Colleen was diagnosed. I remember asking her "How could God allow this to happen to her?" Her answer was brief but powerful and I will never forget it.

"God is crying along with you," she said. She continued on to remind me that God has given us all free will. As a result, we sadly live in a fallen world full of pollutants and dangers that have the potential to harm us (and our children). He can't save us all. What He can do is support us on our journeys if we choose to let Him.

One of the hardest situations for me was when people told me that they were praying for Colleen to get her miracle. I am a woman of deep faith. Sadly, however, I did not have faith that the multitudes of tumors in my daughter's body were going to suddenly disappear from the scans. So those prayer offers often upset me. Prayers for comfort, peace and pain-free days were much more welcome. But how do you say that to someone?

I was speaking to a friend the other day whose son has terminal brain cancer. He was in hospice for several months, the family in a holding pattern, not quite sure how many days they had left with their precious son. When people asked her what they should pray for, she would say that she just didn't want him to suffer.

A couple of months ago, he began to gain his energy back. He started to feel better and he was happy and playful. The family excused hospice, as their services did not seem to be needed any longer. I spoke to his mom last week, she was devastated because the new scan results came back and they were "all lit up," meaning that the cancer had spread significantly. She was so confused. How can this little boy that seemed to be feeling so much better be riddled with cancer? I told her that I was very sorry to hear about the scan results. She must be horribly confused. But it sounds to me like God had answered her prayers. He wasn't suffering.

I asked her if she had peace. She said she did but that she felt guilty for having it. Boy, can I relate to that! I feel guilt every time I consider that I am happier in my career now, as a result of my newfound career (helping children with cancer and their families) than before Colleen died. But then I have to remind myself, as I did my friend on the phone that day, that this is a beautiful gift that God bestowed on me and we should never, ever feel guilty for the gifts God gives us.

So why her? Why us? Nobody can answer that question. Why anyone? What I do know is that each of us is put on a path in our lives, and we can choose to live that life triumphantly like Colleen did or choose to kick and scream the entire time. I am very proud of my daughter and the number of lives she touched through her unfortunate and painful journey. However, I found my purpose and that is an incredible gift that I will always be grateful for.

Diane Moore is the founder and executive director of Striving for More, a Triangle-based nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that children with cancer and their families receive quality emotional and spiritual support. Visit for more information.

Diane Moore, Founder and Executive Director
Striving For More, Inc.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

10 Steps To Handle A Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer

Dealing with a thyroid cancer or any other disease diagnosis has to be handled like we have to handle all other situations and events in our life.

You need to have an objective. When diagnosed with thyroid cancer the main objective is very obvious. Get well!! Another objective would be to attain the best medical care you can get.
A plan has to be put into place. Appointments have to be set with an endocrinologist or an oncologist that specializes in thyroid cancer. If you have a family that needs help while you are going through treatment arrangements have to be made.
Once diagnosed with the cancer find all the resources you have available to help you and think about all the resources you may need. What oncologists, endocrinologists and surgeon are available in your area. You may have to contact a thyroid cancer association. Your local community family and friends are also great resources.
There will be challenges and obstacles that will come up. You may think you are on the road to recovery when a new test or scan will show that is not so. Challenges that may occur are having to wait a long period of time before receiving treatment, problems with calcium levels after surgery, and having to stay longer than anticipated in isolation after a radioactive treatment. Make a contingency plan for challenges or obstacles that may come up that are not obvious.
A feedback system will be required. Get a second opinion if you do not feel comfortable with what has been given to you. Do research whether it be from the internet or from books. Contact the cancer society for step by step guidelines explaining the protocol for the treatment of thyroid cancer.
Speak your thoughts clearly to your doctor, family and friends. They may want something for you that you do not want. It is your body and mind; take control.
Once a plan has been made be concise on your next step. It could be asking for more tests, receiving treatment, or just waiting to see how the cancer progresses.
Even with a good plan in place there maybe adjustments to be made. It is OK to change your mind and ask for an alternative treatment or test. Because thyroid cancer is a slow growing cancer you have the opportunity of time to make decisions.
Celebrate small and big victories. When you have succeeded to find the best endocrinologist, or the surgeon renown for his thyroid gland surgeries, celebrate and be happy with the success. Celebration releases endorphins in the body and makes you feel better no matter what the problem or situation.
When your first objective has been achieved figure out what your new objective will be. This new objective could be recuperating after surgery or a radioactive iodine treatment.

The diagnosis of thyroid cancer is not a death sentence. Breathing, meditation or quiet time, laughter, and being surrounded by positive people are critical to dealing with anything thrown your way. Taking one day at a time, one step at a time will make every hardship easier to handle.

Elaine Savard invites you to please go to for more interesting blogs and articles about how to deal with papillary thyroid cancer

Four Steps to Take When You Discover the Health Risk of Asbestos Cancers

Asbestos cancers represent a very serious health risk, which a large percentage of individuals are suffering from, as a result of the many different resources asbestos was once used for. When you discover that you have been exposed to asbestos that has created cancer, it can be a very traumatic experience that leaves many individuals unsure of what to do. When you discover that you are suffering from these cancers, it would be ideal to take advantage of the following steps when determining the best opportunities for you to take advantage of.

Step One: Seek Immediate Medical Attention

The first step that you need to take advantage of when you have either been diagnosed with asbestos cancers or believe you are experiencing the results of being exposed to asbestos, is to seek immediate medical attention. Whether you are currently carrying insurance or require the utilization of a county facility, it is vital that you look into the possibilities that exist with seeking any form of medication that can assist your physical well-being.

Step Two: Identify the Cause of Your Cancer

The second step following the utilization of medical assistance is found with determining the exact reason you have developed asbestos cancers. This is done to first identify the individuals responsible for your exposure and then to identify any additional risks that you or your family may be exposed to. This represents a very important step to not only look out for the welfare of your family, but also secure information needed when looking into the opportunities that exist with step three.

Step Three: Seek Legal Assistance

The third step is to identify the opportunities that exist with asbestos lawyers and discover what they can do for you. When an individual is diagnosed with a factor as serious as cancer, there is often a third-party that is responsible for this, as a result of their utilization of asbestos in the past. It is important to quickly identify how you were exposed to this unfortunate element, so you can identify the individuals who will be able to assist you with medical expenses and suffering.

Step Four: Get Results

The final step is to take advantage of the opportunities provided through asbestos lawyers and discover resources that can support your health. This is accomplished by either identifying medical resources that will help you get better or to identify resources of compensation for you, in the unfortunate event that your medical condition is incredibly serious.

Each of these steps will help an individual in managing the difficulties they have discovered from being diagnosed with asbestos cancers.

In order to identify the best resource to provide you with information and access to high-quality mesothelioma lawyers, visit Mesothelioma Lawyers & Attorneys Headquarters is a hub for all your mesothelioma lawyer and attorney needs.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Aberrant Signalling and Cancer

Extracellular growth factors are proteins that control mammalian cell proliferation and/or differentiation through the binding of receptors on cell surfaces to initiate a cascade of events. Many growth factors dictate the balance between proliferation and cell death within organs. For normal cells to remain viable, they require stimulation from growth factors. However, when cells become transformed and tumorigenic, this requirement is circumvented as their growth and survival pathways have become hyperactivated by oncogenes, thereby freeing them from the need for exogenous growth factor signals.

DNA damage through environmental factors, which mutate DNA, and inherited genetic mutations have been shown to be involved in the production of oncogenes that lead to cell transformation and ultimately cancer. Oncogenes arise through several mechanisms.

(1) DNA rearrangements, the most common mutation as seen in the translocation of c-myc to sites where it is over-expressed, bcr-abl fusion as in the case of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) or proteins may be truncated making them constitutively active.

(2) Gene amplification.

(3) Point mutations, e.g. mutations at position 12 and 61 in ras making it constitutively active.

(4) Integration of viral DNA next to a proto-oncogene.

Through these processes, normal cellular genes may be inappropriately expressed resulting in loss of control over the cell-cycle then cell transformation. Oncogenes encode proteins involved in cell-cycle control or have high homology with TK growth factor receptors (e.g. v-fms, v-ros, v-sis, v-erb B), and may code for factors involved at all the important mitogenic stages. Another important oncogene src (non-receptor TK) has sequence homology with EGFR and is able to activate over 50 distinct substrates through its TK. Permanent activation/over-expression of scr has been identified in many cancers. While many of these oncogenes are membrane associated, myc, myb and fos act on transcription in the nucleus. Unlike myc and ras, many oncogenes are tissue-specific and their role in cancer development and progression has been the source of targets for cancer therapeutics, since different oncogenes act at different stages. In addition to gain of function mutations mentioned, loss of function mutations particularly with genes that carryout DNA-repair, and tumour suppressors such as the retinoblastoma protein - pRB, p53, phosphatase and tensin homolog - PTEN, BRACA etc. also give rise to cancers. PTEN is mutated in many cancers as it dephosphorylates PIP3 in PI3K/PKB signalling controlling cell proliferation and apoptosis. Similarly, p53, which coordinates signals to determine whether or not a cell goes through the cell-cycle or is destroyed, is frequently mutated in many cancers. Mutations in genes accounting for more than 1% of the human genome contribute to cancer, which makes these genes attractive targets for drug development.

By Seian S. Morrison. Profit Vault changed my views on life.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Most Common Form Of Cancer Affecting The Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland, found in the throat below the Adam's apple, is made up of two lobes. It is situated on either side of the windpipe joined at the front by an isthmus. This gland secretes hormones that regulate metabolic processes such a growth and energy levels.

There are several major conditions that can affect the thyroid gland: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, and cancer to name a few.

Today I want to focus on the common type of cancer affecting the thyroid gland. There are four types of cancer that attacks this gland:

Papillary carcinoma is the most common accounting for 70- 80 percent of thyroid cancer cases diagnosed. A slow growing cancer, it affects the cells producing the thyroid hormone
Follicular carcinoma accounts for about 10 percent of the cases. Like the papillary type it affects the cells producing thyroid hormone but it grows quickly.
Medullary carcinoma accounts for about 5 to 10 percent of cases. This type of cancer does not affect the hormone producing cells. It tends to be hereditary and mimics the symptoms of Cushing's syndrome. If there has been a blood relative diagnosed with this type of carcinoma in your family you can be genetically tested.
Anaplastic carcinoma the rarest yet the most aggressive and malignant type accounts for about 7 percent of cases of thyroid cancer. Often it grows very quickly and will usually block the windpipe causing the patient to require a tracheostomy This form is most likely to spread to other organs beyond the thyroid and the lymph nodes.

With Papillary carcinoma being the most common type of cancer affecting the thyroid gland let's have a look at the symptoms.

swelling in the throat and neck areaa lump or lumps may be obviousswollen lymph nodes with no other cause such as a cold or fluchanges in your voicehoarseness of the voicesore neckpersistent coughdifficulty swallowing

There are several methods that can be used to diagnosis this disease of the thyroid gland. The cancer may be found during a physical examination, through abnormal blood results, ultra sound and fine needle aspirations, and by a tissue biopsy of the thyroid or nodule.

When it comes to the treatment of thyroid cancer there are factors that are considered. They are the type, size and stage of the cancer, the age and health of the patient. The treatment options are:

Surgery: the gland is removed either totally or in part depending on the size of the carcinoma and how much of the gland is affected. This procedure is used in the treatment of papillary, follicular, and medullary carcinoma. It is normal to remove nearby lymph nodes, especially if they look suspicious, and they are sent for biopsy to check if the cancer has spread.
Radioactive Iodine Treatment: this procedure is used to destroy any remaining any thyroid cells that may produce hormones. This method requires the patient to follow a protocol for several weeks prior. They have to stop the thyroid hormone replacement medication which causes the thyroid hormone stimulating hormone levels to rise. In turn, this causes stimulation of remaining thyroid cells to absorb the radioactive iodine.
Thyroid Hormone Replacement: this is used following surgery to replace the natural hormones. The patients are usually prescribed a dosage to suppress the production of the thyroid stimulating hormone, thereby suppressing the growth of thyroid cells.

Women are more susceptible to thyroid cancer than men. It can affect any age. If a child is diagnosed and the cancer was in an early stage the prognosis is excellent, usually a full recovery. For adults the prognosis once again depends on several factors including age, type of thyroid carcinoma, location of the carcinoma, stage of the carcinoma and the general health of the person.

Elaine Savard is a thyroid cancer survivor since 1997. At much more valuable information on thyroid cancer can be found.

Dialogue Through Touch

Massage throughout cancer treatment becomes a dialogue through touch. Cancer treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment, biological and hormonal treatment. Cancer treatment is not always a definite period with an ending and beginning, many times it can be treated as a chronic ailment for many years. A Massage Therapist, trained on massage modifications for cancer treatments, soon realizes that being present will include compassion, training and learning to listen to the patient's journey, as well as offer the many tools from their tool box that can help with their quality of care.

The request for massage from a patient changes throughout the treatment. A newly diagnosed patient is consumed with anxiety from the unusual rash that lasted too long, a lump recently discovered, or fever they can't shake and are now sitting in the physician's office waiting for the diagnostic tests to reveal the results and discuss the treatment options. A phone call comes with the request for massage, "please when can I get a massage, I am so upset, I have cancer." Listening to the fear over the phone, their Massage Therapist quickly realizes the intent of the massage will be to calm their client down and help them prepare mentally to fight the battle of their life. Arriving at their home, the story unfolds and listening is an important part of the appointment time and usually includes lots of "relax, everything will be fine, you have confidence in your doctors, now let's learn some relaxation coping techniques to help you during this massage." Usually half way through the massage when the patient has been positioned face down the talking subsides. The newly diagnosed client finally is now completely at peace. The goal now is to help the patient/client find their strength. The relationship between the client and Massage Therapist will be a source of comfort for the patient throughout their treatment. This is usually the time the Massage Therapist is thrilled about the oncology massage class they took a few months ago, wondering if they would ever need to use the training.

Immediately after surgery, there is a period that massage must be modified; surgical site avoided, awareness of drains in place, pain medicines, positional consideration for comfort and pressure restrictions to avoid trauma to recent surgery. Even with all those restrictions a massage mood can be achieved with a mind-full touch approach; gentle hands and feet, time spent on the face, scalp and shoulders. No need to turn a patient over, keep them comfortable in the position they prefer, shorten the session, normally there are lots of "thank you's" and "I am so grateful for your gentle touch."

Working in an outpatient cancer center, the opportunity comes more often to be with patients during their treatment. This is usually the time that the conversations are about the aches and pains of inactivity. The pain or discomfort can come from the side effects of chemotherapy, or just the inactivity brought on by chemotherapy induced fatigue, another side effect of chemotherapy. When chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy is diagnosed, now comes the talks about simple stretches, gentle self massage, and movement therapies that might help decrease the neuropathy or hopefully decrease the amount of time the neuropathy lingers after chemotherapy is over. A side benefit to movement is that it might actually help the fatigue. Even within the treatment center it is possible to achieve a truly relaxing environment and within 10 minutes of a head, neck and shoulder massage you hear, "you have put me on a beach somewhere, I promise to continue the stretches at home."

Usually after chemotherapy, the next phase of the journey is radiation treatment. A patient's body barely has time to regroup and now comes the regime of 36 treatments for 6 weeks. Combine that with being back to work, family responsibilities and you can imagine the fatigue factor during radiation treatment. "I'm hanging in there," is a usual response as they follow you to the massage room. Short massages at the radiation center are helpful, tips to help with the muscle tension are offered, and encouraging conversations that cheers the patient on to the finish line. Since the relationship between the Massage Therapist and patient has been going on for almost a year, the conversation often turn to, "how was your vacation, congrats on your new grandchild or when is the family reunion." Conversations about the triggers of lymph edema are discussed, because they will be returning to the life that includes spa experiences, exercise, activities that increase the risk of lymph edema. Many times this education might not have come from the surgeon's office, chemotherapy or radiation experience.

The spa massage therapist, who has cancer and massage training, becomes part of the survivor's community that can help a patient cope with the side effects of treatment during and after treatment. A "new normal massage" away from the cancer center during this time is definitely a reward. Patients are always requesting information about safe massage during and after treatment and with the appropriate education about safe massage they can plan that spa trip, even while in cancer treatment. Massage away from the cancer center allows a massage therapist to help connect the patient's whole body through safe touch. A time to feel good touches without all the medical procedures that can be so invasive and debilitating. Breathing techniques, visualization and guided imagery can also be taught to help calm the patient in treatment, along with the massage. The mind-body connections is never more noticed than when through your hands you feel their body relax, the full breath taken, a sigh released and always the comment, "it feels good to feel good once again, I want to thrive and survive."

Often times, a Massage Therapist will meet a survivor that has been cancer free for many years. They show up at your spa and request a deep tissue massage or other body treatment, "I have always received a deep massage from my other therapist, I have been cancer free for 5 years." Once again the oncology massage training enables you to explain that up to now they have been lucky, but your training allows you to speak with confidence and explain fully why deep tissue is not appropriate for nodal dissection or when bones have been radiated. You might lose a new client, but many times they are grateful for your knowledge and you gain their respect and their business.

Working with oncology patients, there will be times that you find yourself doing palliative care. Treatment is over, the patient has chosen no new treatments and the goal is to offer comfort, compassionate touch, an ear to hear their stories, hugs from families that appreciate your understanding and loving care, so many "God Blesses," you realize you made a difference. It might seem that you are not doing much, but with your presence, your touch is priceless.

The dialogue of touch is a dance that weaves through the life and experiences of your clients. You will be forever changed by oncology massage training and opportunity to be part of their care.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cancer Healing - A Forgotten Step

Can you cure cancer using the mind?

The answer is yes, but first we need to understand what cancer is. Cancer is a word or a label and when we use it, we recall our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions about cancer and what it is. It is easy to think when you are talking to another person about cancer, that we both know what cancer is and we both have the same perceptions. We can see that cancer is a disease and it can lead to death, now this statement is true but it leaves out much vital information and this information is necessary to heal cancer and be cancer free and healthy.

What is a disease?

Disease is our body's reaction to stress. Stress is any irritant, stimulus etc that can be of physical, nutritional or emotional origin. Stress is simply, something that the human body perceives as a threat to its survival. We are bombarded continually by stress and we continually react and neutralise that stress. We can acknowledge we have an acute illness, when the symptoms of our reaction to stress are severe enough. Within a relatively short amount of time however, we finally neutralise the stress and we are back into a state of health.

If we do not neutralise the stress, then we can say we have a chronic illness or disease and this means that we are continually reacting to the stress and the stress is still present. Therefore the body is vainly trying to heal but to no avail. This can be because the body is in a weak state and has little energy or capacity or the diet is such that there is a constant stream of toxins being absorbed into the system, and inflammation from food intolerances or most likely there is the constant and insidious emotional stress which has been going on for years.

When cells heal a wound they perform like cancer cells, these cells, like cancer cells are your own cells doing a job of healing wounds caused by stress. The wounds cancer cells are healing are usually emotional wounds.

Can I remove the cause?

There are many different types of cancer depending on whether the cause is primarily physical, nutritional or emotional. You see, your self healing system can heal your cancer, this incredibly powerful process has the potential for you to heal and be healthy. The problem is that the disease process is still operating and most people look for cures or actions that assist the healing process. It is vital to STOP the disease process, for then the healing process will return you to health quickly. There is no point in trying to combat or kill the cancer cells, for the cancer cells are already trying to heal an irritant. That is, cancer cells are healing cells.

Let's look at an example in nature. An oyster accidentally gets a grain of sand embedded in its flesh and the oyster cannot rid itself of that grain of sand, try as it might. So what can it do? If it does nothing, the pain from the irritating grain of sand will slowly kill the oyster. The pain has to be diminished and the irritant soothed. The oyster cleverly builds a mucus wall, around that irritating grain of sand but as the irritant is still there, the healing continues and gradually a beautiful pearl forms. This is cancer of the oyster and this process continues till the oyster dies from the growth of the pearl. We see the beautiful pearl but not the grain of sand, the cause. If we could remove the grain of sand from the pearl, then the pearl building process would stop and the pearl would shrink and disappear.

Our cancer is the same and we fail to see the cause (stress). To remove the emotional cause, which is like little drips of acid constantly dripping and burning inside, we need to change the pattern that govern our emotional behaviour. This can be done via a number of techniques and as well as removing the stress (irritants) you will gain greater happiness and joy of life.

You can Buy the book Life Patterns, the Secret To Emotional Freedom or Download the free eBook: The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process from

Philip Martin is a Naturopath, Hypnotherapist and Author of "Life Patterns, the Secret to Emotional Freedom" and "The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process, a clear and defined pathway". He is based on the Sunshine Coast Qld. Australia. His website is

A Cancer Growth Is Only A Sign That Something Is Wrong With the Entire Body

Doctors are taught that cancer is a foreign lump and if they can remove it all they have successfully beaten the disease. Unfortunately this is not correct. Cancer, no matter where it appears in the body is actually a problem with the entire body and the growth itself is only a symptom. A symptom is an indication that something is wrong. A true cure means treating the whole body.

If the problem of cancer was only the growth, then by removing it as with our current ways of treating it would solve the problem. But we all know someone, who has undergone these treatments and has been informed by their doctor they've successfully removed it all; often die soon after of the disease they were trying to cure.

The facts are that any cancer growth itself is not the problem and a far more effective way to heal a person with the disease is to treat the person and not the cancer.

Our 3 ways of treating cancer today are in place because they are profitable. For instance chemotherapy is a multi billion dollar a year industry and I've read many times that cancer will never be cured, or a cure will never be found because there is too much money being made with our current ways of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Cancer is simply a disease of a weakened immune system which has been weakened because of the way we are now living. The immune system is part of our anatomy which everybody has, that keeps us healthy and free of diseases. An immune system that isn't functioning properly will allow normal body cells to multiply without control and the result is the cancer growth. So common sense should tell someone that the first priority is to strengthen our all important immune system.

Of course there is not a drug or a treatment to strengthen the immune system and that's why doctors don't know about it. What a cancer patient needs is natural living with good nutrition and some exercise but we've been brainwashed now days in believing that any health problem can only be cured with a pill or a treatment.

Solving the cancer problem means correcting the reasons why it first appeared and you do that by changing your diet and eating only food that is natural for human beings. What that does is treat the whole body and that will allow the body to heal. Unfortunately there is no quick fix way to heal cancer but there is a way for those that can make these changes.

If you are dealing with cancer a genuine way to heal the body forever is to focus on correcting the reasons why it first grew and you do that by eating only food that is fresh and in season, by getting some exercise which will stimulate and strengthen the immune system, and by living a more natural way that supports life.

Don't put up with a quick fix temporary treatment for your cancer. You need a permanent solution to your problem and that is by improving the diet, some exercise and living as we are supposed to. It works for everyone.

Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition. He has researched all aspects of cancer for many years and has been educating people on how our diet and other lifestyle factors are closely related to the disease. There is a way to become free of the disease which no one can profit from and if you want to learn more about how to fight cancer successfully; please visit;

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Free Radicals Cannot Be Considered A Cause Of Illness And Aging

Imagine if we actually focused on removing the root causes of cancer. We would find that cancer is actually not a threatening disease at all, and certainly not the killer disease we have been made to believe it is.

You may wonder about those bad oxygen free radicals that everyone talks about. Is it not true that they are behind most cancers and other diseases? If it is true, how can we defend ourselves against them, other than by removing them with such antioxidants as vitamin C?

Oxygen free radicals are highly reactive oxygen molecules. They are involved in causing rust in iron and in turning fats rancid. They are also found in arteries that have become occluded with plaque. Many researchers believe that they are involved in the formation of cancer cells. However, like bacteria, these molecules have been given an unjustifiably bad reputation. Free radicals have existed since the beginning of life on Earth. Why would they now lead to cancer in one out of every two people when just 100 years ago only 1 in 8,000 people suffered the same fate? Did they just become a lot more 'vicious' in the past 100 years, ever so eager to oxidize us to death? The answer is a resounding 'No'.

They only oxidize and destroy what is already weak and potentially damaging to the body. They never attack healthy, vital cell tissue, but they naturally turn up where there is something to be destroyed that has become useless and is an impending threat to the body's physiological balance. Weak or worn out cells and accumulated metabolic waste material, which the body's lymphatic system normally removes without a problem, become a hazard when they are trapped in the tissues and the free radicals are not doing their job. Increasing free radical activity and spreading infectious germs are therefore the next best alternatives to the body's own cleansing and eliminative efforts, especially when the body's immune system is already compromised. Thus, neither free radicals nor germs can rightfully be considered a cause of illness and aging.

Since illness is actually a healing mechanism and aging is a form of advanced congestion in the body, free radicals must, in fact, be considered the beneficial effects of illness and aging.

The more often infections are 'prevented' or suppressed through medical interventions, the less efficient the liver and kidneys, as well as the immune, lymphatic, and digestive systems become in keeping the body's cell tissues free of harmful, noxious deposits.

Yet, not only infections and free radicals act as cleansers or scavengers of obstructive waste and damaged, weak cells, but pain also serves as a healing aid. Pain is merely a signal that the body is actively involved in a healing response that includes repairing damaged tissues and cleansing itself. By suppressing pain with medication, you short-circuit the body's internal communication and healing mechanisms and practically force it to hold on to, and eventually suffocate in, its own waste. Cancer is a natural consequence of dealing with such a distressing, unnatural situation.


[This is an excerpt from the book 'CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE, IT'S A SURVIVAL MECHANISM' by Andreas Moritz, available on ]

Writer and practitioner in the field of Integrative Medicine and author of 13 books on various subjects pertaining to holistic health, including his latest book 'Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time', Andreas Moritz can be contacted on

Copyright © 2011 by Andreas Moritz

Friday, September 2, 2011

Cancer Research in Biotechnology Part I

Progress in cancer research requires the discovery of novel biochemical and molecular targets for targeted treatments, novel biomarkers for early cancer detection and diagnosis, and improved classification and subtyping of cancers for prognostication and treatment selection.

To facilitate these goals, efforts have focused on understanding the molecular basis and cellular biology of human cancer.

The examination of multiple expressed genes and/or proteins provides useful information for both classification and prognostication of individual tumors. The development of microarray methodology, which permits the expression of thousands of genes to be assayed simultaneously, represents a powerful technique to read the "molecular signature" of an individual patient's tumor. This process is termed gene expression profiling (GEP). Analyzing gene expression patterns across individual patients with the "same" disease may reveal molecular differences. Such classification may allow better treatment selection and prognostication.

A description of the methods used for GEP will be presented here. More detailed discussion of the applications of these techniques to specific tumor types is discussed in the appropriate tumor topics.

GEP AND DNA MICROARRAY ANALYSIS - The traditional method of measuring the level of expression of a single gene is by assaying RNA by Northern blot analysis. DNA microarray analysis uses the same principles to simultaneously measure the expression level of thousands of genes on a platform called a microarray.

There are several stages to performing a microarray analysis:

Preparation of the microarrayGeneration of fluorescent targets from the RNA of the samplesHybridization to the probesData acquisition: scanning of the signal intensity emanating from the hybridized labeled probesData analysis: the extraction of biologically useful information from the vast quantity of data that is generated from microarray analysis. This aspect is often the most challenging component of GEP.

Preparation of the microarray - The DNA array consists of an orderly arrangement of DNA spots on a glass slide or chip. In its simplest form, a few dozen complementary DNAs (cDNAs) or oligonucleotides corresponding to particular genes are immobilized onto the substrate in a known order within the grid.

In highly-sophisticated microarray "chips", up to hundreds of thousands of unique oligonucleotide probes, representing thousands of known genes or expressed sequence tags (ESTs), are synthesized in a microgrid on a glass substrate about the size of a thumbnail. ESTs are segments of expressed genes that have been sequenced, but do not correspond to known genes.

Each oligonucleotide probe, which is specific for a particular gene, is located on a precise place within the microgrid; this is the probe cell. Each probe cell is very small, about 24 microns by 24 microns, and contains millions of copies of each specific oligonucleotide. A particular gene (eg, the gene encoding thymidylate synthetase) may be represented on the microgrid by 20 or more probe cells, called a probe set. The oligonucleotide probes (usually 15 to 25 nucleotides in length) in each probe cell of the probe set may differ from each other, some corresponding to the 5' end of the mRNA sequence, some the middle, and some the 3' end. This gives the sample RNA a broad range of sequences with which to hybridize.

In summary, the rapidly evolving field of DNA microarray analysis and gene expression profiling has wide-ranging implications for the molecular classification of tumors, refinement of prognostic estimates, and prediction of response to therapy. Despite its exciting potential and significant recent advances, this field remains relatively new, and it is premature to conclude that microarray data can be used as a sole means of classifying cancers or predicting outcomes of treatment.

Among the specific challenges that must be met are the need for larger studies with appropriate validation, standardization of methods and establishment of guidelines for the conduct and reporting of studies, and the formation of repositories and registries where research institutions may deposit data for comparison with independent works involving the same malignant disorder. Finally, DNA microarray-based tests must demonstrate utility in prospectively designed clinical trials before this technology is considered a routine part of clinical evaluation.

These studies may eventually establish a new treatment paradigm in personalized cancer therapy in the future.

Dr. Richard Graydon,, trained as an Oncologist, holding both M.D. and PhD degrees, and specializes in molecular genetics and cancer research. His education and experience have provided him analytical and clinical skills for keen insight into diagnosis, treatment, and care of cancer patients. See for further information

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Childhood Cancer: Will My Child Be Able to Go to School?

I distinctly remember "Will my child with cancer be able to go to school?" being one of the first questions we asked shortly after hearing the diagnosis from my child's doctor. Because she was a young child, I needed to remember, school was her job and her social network and it was the nucleus of her life.

Although some kids may say that they don't like school, if they are unable to attend for long periods of time, it has a huge impact on their lives as it removes them from their social network and gives them one more major reason to feel different than their peers.

The answer we heard was "No, at least not for a long time." Keep in mind that each child is different, and depending on the type of cancer, the stage of the disease and the recommended treatment protocol, your child might be capable of attending school with special considerations. This topic proved quite confusing for me. In retrospect the confusion was probably the result of years of recognizing how important school was and that kids should not miss school unless they were really sick. If they miss a day, sometimes it is hard to make up the work, especially as they get older and enter middle school and high school. However, under these circumstances, you need to forget those preconceived notions. The reality is that with one-on-one tutoring, and with the focus on what your child really needs help with, most children only need a short period of tutoring to keep them up to speed with the rest of their class.

Why School Might Be a Struggle

You are initially overwhelmed with tests, diagnoses and, usually, the immediate start of treatment. In some cases, hospitalization is required for port placement or biopsy surgeries shortly after diagnosis.

The child often feels ill from chemotherapy and the other medications he/she is prescribed. Some cancer diagnoses require lengthy inpatient stays as a result of the chemotherapy protocol. However, the trend is moving toward more children being treated as outpatients. This, combined with more effective medicines to treat chemotherapy side effects, increases the likelihood that children can continue their education.

Your child may miss school frequently and for long periods of time because of his immune system being suppressed, and he cannot be in places where there is a risk of catching something. And we all know school is a very high risk area when it comes to spreading germs.

Children can have high levels of fatigue or severe mobility issues.

Why School is the Right Thing to Do

It is important for the child undergoing cancer treatment to return to school as soon as he/she has been medically cleared. Returning to school offers the child and family a sense of normalcy and a sense of purpose and allows time to socialize with peers. Often schoolwork can be a distraction from treatment or painful procedures. Having to go to school is not only a sign that things are getting back into a routine, it's also a clear and reassuring message that there is a future.

When Returning to School Plan for your child's return to school with teachers and the school guidance counselor beforehand so everyone can be properly prepared. A 504 plan, specifically OHI (Other Health Impairment), is a form that can be completed with the help of your child's guidance counselor. This allows the school to give your child special accommodations that might be needed as a result of his/her physical condition. For example, Colleen was in a wheelchair and we needed to complete a 504 plan so that she could use the staff elevator and the staff restrooms. In addition, some schools have strict rules against the wearing of hats.

If your child is more comfortable wearing a hat after losing her hair, then the 504 plan might specifically give her permission to wear a hat while on the school campus. Some hospitals have a school re-entry program where a medical staff member goes to the school with your child and provides a classroom presentation to convey age-appropriate information to classmates to demystify cancer. For example, some children may think it is contagious and avoid your child when he returns to school. Others need to be given the opportunity to ask questions about your child's physical condition (i.e., his hair, a prosthesis, etc.). This presentation empowers your child through the support of the accompanying medical professional.

It also helps decrease the barrage of questions your child might receive that may increase stress during the first days back.

When Your Child is Out of School for a Long Time In some cases, your child may just be unable to go back to school for a long time, like in the case of Colleen. She had a very advanced case of osteosarcoma, which required aggressive inpatient treatment, and when she wasn't being treated, she was usually completely broken down and immune suppressed from the treatment. Fortunately, the school system and the hospitals have resources to help families in situations like this.

Outpatient-Talk to your child's school. There is a system called Homebound to assist children who will be out of school for four weeks or longer. A teacher will be provided for up to three hours per week to tutor your child. Ask neighbors and other family members to help with homework/tutoring. Your child's teacher will give you a realistic idea of how much time you should spend each week, but I guarantee it will not be anything close to what your child spends in school.

Inpatient-We are fortunate that both of the Triangle-area pediatric oncology hospitals have "hospital schools." Teachers are available to work with your child on the specific work that she is doing in class. The hospital teacher will contact your child's school, find out the appropriate curriculum and work with your child accordingly.

Also, be sure you communicate your needs to friends. In our case, the mother of one of Colleen's classmates volunteered to come in and tutor Colleen twice a week. She was an elementary school teacher who was taking time off to raise her children, and she is now a special person in our lives. You never know who is out there and willing to help you and your family.

The Bottom Line The emotional well-being of your child requires that his/her mind stay active and that he remains involved with his social circle as much as possible. Find ways to help stimulate your child's mind that will also be fun. There are lots of great homeschooling sites now that can help with ideas. Origami, reading, puzzles, writing in a journal-there's no end. Consider giving your child a project that involves social networking and interacting with people around the world. In the 21st century, there are lots of great ideas.

If you are thinking "Are you crazy? I don't even know anything about social networking myself!" I promise you, there are lots of people in the Triangle that would gladly spend some time with your child showing them the world through a laptop! If you don't know where to find them, I do! Send me a note through the Striving for More website.

Remember, children need relationships outside of their families, and they need to feel a sense of accomplishment. If they can't get to school, be creative and come up with ways to fill those needs for your child.

Diane Moore is the founder and executive director of Striving for More, a Triangle-based nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that children with cancer and their families receive quality emotional and spiritual support. The Striving for More website ( ) has many links that can direct you to specific Triangle-area websites regarding homebound services. Go to the website, roll over the "community" tag on the menu and click on "resources." Then click on "educating the child with cancer."

Diane Moore is the founder and executive director of Striving for More, a Triangle-based nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that children with cancer and their families receive quality emotional and spiritual support. Visit for more information.

Diane Moore, Founder and Executive Director
Striving For More, Inc.