Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Home Remedies to Help Treat Male Pattern Baldness


One of the most common genetic afflictions among men in the United States today is male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. This can occur in men any time after puberty. Though complete baldness is not common a bald spot usually occurs on the crown of the scalp.

In order to effectively combat this condition by stopping the hair loss and start re-growing the hair you have lost, you need to first understand what causes your hair to fall out and not re-grow. Then you can take the proper action.

Cause Of Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition you inherit from your mother or fathers family and is caused by the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). So if you want to know if you will develop this condition, just look at your relatives.

DHT is created in the body when the male hormone testosterone combines with the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. When the DHT hormone is created, it attaches to hair follicles and chokes off nutrients to the hair strand and follicle. Eventually the follicle shrinks and dies, while the hairs growing phase shortens.

The combination of these two actions results in shorter hairs falling out and not re-growing again.

So to stop male pattern baldness, the key is to stop the formation of DHT. Most home remedies do this by inhibiting the 5-alpha reductase enzyme.

Home Remedies

Saw Palmetto- This is one of the most popular home remedies used by both men and women. This was first used by Native American Indians to help urinary tract problems. It was studied by western civilization and found that it inhibited the 5-alpha reductase preventing the formation of DHT.

Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA)- ALA is considered an essential fatty acid you get from certain plant material such as flax seed, walnuts, soy and some dark green leafy vegetables. This has been found to effectively inhibit the 5-alpha reductase enzyme helping to stop hair loss.

Zinc- Zinc has also been shown to prevent the formation of DHT by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.


These are three home remedies you should try to help stop your male pattern baldness by stopping the formation of DHT. The next thing is to re-grow your hair already lost.

The challenge is to revitalize the hair follicle. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA), has approved two drugs to help stop hair loss and re-grow hair. They are Minoxidil, which is rubbed on the scalp, and Finasteride, which is taken as a pill.

It is believed they re-grow hair by increasing the blood flow to the scalp allowing for more nutrients to the affected hair follicles. It is now being recommended, that to stop hair loss and re-grow hair, you should take a home remedy and use one of the two FDA approved drugs.

Jimmy Chase got into hair styling when he was in the Navy. After the Navy, he continued on in the profession of hair styling and studied how people can have beautiful hair.

Jimmy Chase started losing his hair when he turned 50. He has done lots of studies on loss of hair, in both men and women, to determine what works and what doesn't. He has successfully stopped his hair loss and has even re-grown some of his hair.

He promotes what he has learned about hair care, hair loss and re-growing hair via article writing which he has been doing since 2008.


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