Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stomach Cancer Symptoms: What You Need To Know

Cancer is the abnormal or malignant growth of body cell. When this occurs in the stomach, it is referred as stomach or gastric cancer and it is characterized by the growth of some cancerous cells in the stomach. So as to get a good understanding of this type of cancer, we should look at the stomach. The stomach is made of three tissue layers which are mucosal, muscularis, and serosal which are the innermost, middle and outermost layers respectively.

Going to the types of stomach cancer we have the gastric adenocarcinoma also know as the glandular tissue cancer. The other forms of cancer of the stomach which are very rare include lymphomas which are cancer that affects the lymphatic system and sarcomas which is cancer that affects the connective tissues such as fat, blood vessels and muscle.

One thing about stomach tumor or cancer is that it can affect the nearby lymph nodes. For instance, it could grow on the outer stomach layer and spread to the nearby tissues which include the intestine, pancreas and esophagus. It could also spread through the blood to other vital organs like the liver, lungs and so on. Some patients have had stomach tumor spreading through the lymphatic system thus affecting all the lymph nodes. Whenever stomach tumor spreads this ways, it forms the cancerous cells of its origin and not destination. For instance when it goes to the liver, it does not form liver cancer but the cells that grow are the ones of stomach cancer.

There are a number of symptoms of stomach cancer. Some of the common symptoms that will be noticed include mild nausea, heartburns, some discomforts during ingestion and in the stomach as well a bloated stomach immediately after eating. In advanced stages, patients will have unexplained weight losses, vomiting, jaundice, stomach pains, swallowing troubles as well as blood appearing in their stool. Some stomach infection or ulcer could have symptoms similar to the one mentioned above and you need to see a doctor to confirm if you have cancer or this diseases.

When it comes to stomach tumor prognosis, it depended on the stage at which it is detected. Early detection could increase the chances of recovery will late will reduce these chances. It could be treated but it will rarely get cured. To treat cancer, the approach to be used depends on factors such as the location and size of this tumor, patient's general health and the stage it is at. The common general methods of treating cancer are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and biological therapy.

Finally, looking at the risk factors that normally increase the chances of developing this cancer are chronic gastritis - stomach inflammation, cigarette smoking, being male, gastric polyps, Intestinal metaplasia, Pernicious anemia, old age, stomach infection by Helicobacter pylori, eating highly salted, smoked or foods that are poorly preserved and hereditary factors.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cancer - Body Cleanse

My husband would say having cancer is like having your hair on fire. When your hair is on fire, that's all you can think about; it's your focus 24/7. In October 2009, I was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer that had metastasized with 12 tumors to my liver. The tumors were defined as low- grade neuroendocrine, which affect one out of a hundred thousand people.

During the time of my cancer, I truly felt I was a woman with her hair on fire and needed desperately to find something to help me put the fire out.

One of the first things I did for my body was a body cleanse, which included a liver and colon cleanse.

A colon cleanse is done through a colonic treatment, also called colonic hydrotherapy, to remove any toxins from built- up waste in the body. With the average diet consisting of processed foods, alcohol, high fats, and low fiber, there are a great deal of toxins produced in built-up waste in the colon and liver. These toxins can be flushed out by taking a liver cleanse consisting primarily of milk thistle. These toxins are responsible for many body imbalances, which can lead to very serious health problems!

According to Oncologist Douglas Brodie of Reno, Nevada, cancer patients experiencing increased toxic stress during chemotherapy and radiation treatment can benefit from colonic hydrotherapy. He states: "I have found over the years that cancer patients who are not doing well usually are toxic and not being cleansed."

Any decrease of toxins in the liver, kidney, or colon can help strengthen the immune system. Fiber is necessary for your body to eliminate toxins within the organs; the average American diet includes less than a fraction of the fiber foods necessary to promote elimination of toxins from the body. Poor diet, improper food combining, and lack of dietary fiber makes the maintenance of a healthy colon virtually impossible.

The best way to maintain a healthy colon is to eat a high-fiber low-fat diet, to drink plenty of water, and to exercise on a regular basis; water intake should be half your body weight in ounces.

A liver cleanse is one of the best things you can do to enhance your body's performance. Think of your liver as one large filter; everything you put into your body is filtered through your liver. It helps detoxify the chemicals you digest, like medications, over the counter drugs, alcohol, smoking, preservatives, food hormones, and pesticides.

Although l had twelve tumors on my liver, I still had a full- functioning liver and I wanted it to work to its fullest capacity. Cleaning the liver is such an important part of the process because of its many functions. A liver cleanse consists of taking one to three capsules a day and adopting some dietary changes. Dr. Sandra Cabot sells a natural liver tonic on the internet containing milk thistle, globe artichoke, and dandelion.

As the largest internal organ, the liver also:

•Produces proteins that enable blood to clot

•Stores vitamins and minerals

•Regulates blood sugar levels

•Breaks down carbohydrates to be used for energy

•Helps to remove toxins from the body

•Makes bile to help digestion

For more information on the liver, I would recommend Dr. Cabot's book The Liver Cleansing Diet.

Linda Kuhney
Linda is a stage four cancer survivor who wants to help you with your battle

Cancer, Meet the Cure!

Just as God gave life in the beginning; He is still, The Giver of Life! There is nothing that happens in our lives that is out of God's control. God can do what doctors, and medical science, cannot do.

Hearing the words, "you have cancer," can be very frightening and devastating. Many who are diagnosed with cancer are paralyzed with fear. You may even be shocked or angry. These emotions are natural. Everyone reacts differently. After you have grieved, it is very important that you do two things:

*Focus on God's word, not your doctor's report.

*Replace your fear with faith!

Don't focus on death. It is crucial, to focus on life! Live as if you are going to live, don't live, as if you are going to die.

Many of us are like Peter, as long as we are focused on Jesus, there is no fear. However, when we stop focusing on Jesus, we begin to sink. It is the fear that sinks us. God does not give us a spirit of fear. Nor does God want us to worry.

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" -Matthew 6:27

In October, of 1997, I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The tumor was near my heart and lungs. Without faith in God, I would have fallen apart. I also would have given up. I knew then, as I know now, that God is in complete control. He also made my body, therefore, I knew that He could heal me, or, continue to allow me to live. God is The Source of all healing. I thank God for sparing my life!

Oftentimes, those joining you in your fight against cancer are: your family, friends, doctors, and support groups. The most important human being joining in your fight, is YOU. You are your most important advocate.

Money can buy the best doctors, and the best medicine, but it can't buy good health. Nor can it buy life. There is only One who can give good health and life. He is The Greatest Physician of All! There is also something very different about This Physician. He created us. He created the world and everything that dwells in it. He controls the universe. God needs no X-rays or CT scans. He is all-seeing. Nothing is hidden from Him. He is also all-powerful. Healing cancer is not a problem for God!

God does not panic, why should we?

"Instead of fearing a life-threatening disease, have faith, in a Life-Giving God!"® ~Michelle Cole

Monday, August 29, 2011

Information on Bladder Cancer and Infection Treatment

There are different types of cancers which affect all parts of the body, causing various symptoms. The bowel digests and absorbs the water and nutrients from food and forms stools. Bladder cancer has many symptoms which can be related to other conditions.

What are the symptoms?
During the early stages of the bowel cancer, there may not be any obvious symptoms, however as the cancer grows, one can notice blood in stools or rectal bleeding is common. When one notices a change in their normal bowel habits such as diarrhoea, constipation or frequent visits to the toilet, it could be an indication of something not right.

Also unexplained loss of weight or appetite and stomach pain can also occur. As the cancer grows the bleeding in the bowel can lead to anaemia causing breathless and fatigue, as there is not enough oxygen in the body.

Bladder cancer has various types of symptoms which are determined by where the cancerous cells have started. The symptoms of bladder cancer can originate from bladder infection/ UTI (Urinary tract infection) and therefore require tests to find the true cause of the problem.

usually the first warning signs in when one notices blood in the urine. Sometimes, there may not be enough blood in the urine to change the colour hence it will go undetected but others may see a dramatic change of pale pink, orange or red. Other symtoms include burning feeling when passing urine and a change in bladder habits such as the need to urinate more often or having difficulties when trying to urinate.

Less common symptoms include pelvic pain and unexplained weight loss. Such symptoms are usually hard to detect until the cancer has reached its advanced phase and is very hard to cure. This is why it is recommended that screening for bladder cancer should be done to eliminate the possibility, especially those at higher risks such as older males who smoke.

Most bladder infections are result of bacteria. You can sometimes treat milder infections by decreasing the acidity of your urine by drinking fluids with bicarbonate of soda or potassium citrate, also drinking plenty of fluids to flush the infection out of the system. Paracetamol or ibuprofen can help control the pain.

The doctor can also prescribe specific antibiotics. Common antibiotics include a nitrofurantoin or trimethoprime/sulfamethoxazole for a period of three to seven days. The antibiotic course should always be completed even if the symptoms have disappeared to ensure the bacteria have died.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bladder Cancer - What Are the Complications?

The malignant tumor that occurs in the urinary bladder is referred to as bladder cancer. The disease mostly seen in middle aged people and is more prominent in men. The bladder is a bag like structure in the pelvic region which stores urine until it is removed to the outside of the body. When cancerous cells develop, there are problems in urinating. Common symptoms include blood in urine, pain while passing urine and change in its coloration. There can be other reasons for these symptoms too but these are the main symptoms for this type of cancer.

One of the most serious after effects of bladder cancer is the spread of the cancer to other parts of the body. This can cause a very critical condition. Post surgery, anemia may be observed in the patient. Urinary inconsistencies are also known to prolong in the patient. The urine is brought to the bladder from the kidneys through ureters which are tube like structure. If a tumor has developed, it may lead to a blockage in these tubes. This can also cause a swelling. Subsequently, the drainage of liquid waste into the bladder for absorption and storage in the body becomes restricted. Medically this condition is referred to as hydronephrosis. A contrary condition can occur, where the ureters narrow down abnormally. This forms a urethral stricture which is another kind of complication.
Among the various types, the most common type of cancerous development is the urothelial carcinoma. This is transitional cell carcinoma which is recorded in most patients, almost in 90 percent cases. The other types are Squamous cell carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma which are less commonly seen. All these types of bladder cancers respond differently to treatment and hence, they need to be addressed with special medical techniques.

The main ways of treatment are surgery, radiation, chemotherapy which is performed for regular cancerous tumors and immunotherapy. The body is tested and examined for the presence of bladder cancer. This can be done through the blood test and urine test. X-rays of the pelvic region are also taken for records. In men, the doctor may also suggest an anal x-ray and in women, the vaginal x-ray may be suggested. There are special healthcare experts known as bladder specialist who deal with medical problems and cancers of the bladder.

Based on age, health and other factors there are various treatment options available to one who is seeking help.

I am Jack Thomsen and I want to write about cancer is very common problem people. Writing is my passion and I want to communicate with people in my article. I am interested in discussing stone in the bladder, cervical cancer, Bladder cancer, gastrointestinal cancer screening.

Cancer Is Not The Tumor

Cancer is the number two cause of death in the US. Cancer is predicted to overtake cardiovascular disease as the number one cause worldwide by 2012. Cancer will likely affect you or someone you know in the course of your life.

Many in medicine view cancer as a separate and foreign entity that needs to be removed or killed. The patient and doctor's energy is focused on destroying the tumor. The tumor, however, is not cancer. Cancer is a disease process and the tumor is the end result of that process. Removing or shrinking the tumor may be a necessary part of treatment for some, but it does not resolve the process that led to the tumor in the first place.

When I was in medical school I worked for a stonemason. By the end of every summer, I had thick calluses on my hands. As a reaction to chronic stress and irritation, the body forms calluses. They do not attack us, they are not separate from us, and they do not happen over night. Cutting them off or taking therapies to shrink them would work temporarily, but if the sources of irritation are not removed, i.e. hauling basalt slabs and swinging a mattock, the growths ultimately return.

Like calluses, cancer is the result of our body's own physiology reacting and straining against stresses over time, usually years to decades. The cancer process is active long before a tumor appears. To truly heal cancer, the sources of stress and irritation that led to the tumor will need to be identified and resolved.

As the cancer process often took decades to progress to a tumor, resolution and healing do not occur overnight. There are many contributing factors. The whole person: body, mind, and spirit need to be considered. Environmental exposures, foods, lack of appropriate exercise, hormone imbalances, toxic thoughts, inefficient elimination of wastes, immune imbalances, chronic inflammation, fun, spirituality, and epigenetics, are just a few factors that need to be assessed.

People often feel helpless when diagnosed with cancer, but according to the National Cancer Institute up to 75% of all cancers are due to the accumulated results of the choices we make each day (lifestyle). This means we have a great deal of power over the process. Choices we make can contribute to the cancer process as well as help heal it.

Treating the cancer process is not simple or easy. The body has the amazing ability to heal itself, but there is a point of no return. Depending on the type and stage, some people diagnosed with the cancer process may be past this point. There are still things we can do to help these people, even if their cancer process has reached a terminal level.

Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation may be necessary parts of treatment at any level. There are many natural therapies that can minimize the side effects of these treatments without interfering with their intended purpose. Avoid self-prescribing in the health food aisle. Some antioxidants, vitamins, and herbs will interfere with these treatments. Just because products are natural does not mean they cannot cause harm.

Dealing with the cancer process is a journey. There will be emotional and physical challenges for the person and their loved ones. It is important to have a physician you trust and are comfortable with to stand with you and guide you and your family through this journey.

Dr. Lou Walters is a licensed naturopathic physician in the state of Montana practicing at The Source Wellness Center. He earned his doctorate degree at the National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM), where he graduated summa cum laude. Dr. Walters is certified in homeopathy from the New England School of Homeopathy and Applied Kinesiology from the International College of Applied Kinesiology.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Positive Belief to Beat Cancer

When you are told "You have cancer", your whole world will just come crashing down. Desperation, anger, disappointment, fear and anxiety are feelings which seem to come all at the same time. My experience was no different. When everything has settled down and you accept the situation, you then weigh your treatment options. Anyone who has gone through conventional cancer treatment like Radiation and especially Chemotherapy knows that it is the most horrible experience one can ever go through in a life time. I found that short and long term effects of the treatment were worse than the disease.

Surviving the Cancer treatment requires a lot from a victim. It requires will power, discipline, physical and mental strength, plentiful support, and a very special mindset - Positive Belief. The positive belief that you will beat this cancer and overcome the effects of cancer treatment will determine how, and if you win the cancer battle.

Now, looking back at my cancer journey, positive belief had a lot to do with me beating the cancer. It is not always easy to maintain a positive belief but it imperative if you are going to beat cancer. So what does positive belief really mean?

Positive belief means you do not think negatively about the cancer situation. Take it one day at a time. Find interesting, happy things to look forward to for the next hour, next day and next week. Pre-occupy yourself with interesting small projects which will take your mind away. This could be as simple as watching a movie or looking forward to visitors or even looking forward to a simple meal. I had many mini projects like writing a blog, creating a little vegetable farm in my garden and caring for the plants. Watching the vegetables grow and mature was amazing therapy. Having an animal around, especially dogs, is definitely good therapy.

Positive belief can also come from focusing on activities which creates positive energy like meditation, yoga and QiGong. Many people have positive experiences with these activities and it has significant impact on cancer recovery. I too have experienced this first hand with QiGong and Yoga.

From my research, even painting and dancing are also activities which creates positive belief. Focusing on one's own religious beliefs and the power of prayer are other methods of creating positive energy which can deliver significant effects. It seems that with positive belief, the body creates an environment conducive for self-healing.

Regardless of which method of creating positive belief, the idea is to have positive thoughts. The body seems to tap into these positive thoughts and creates healing energy and it is capable of miraculous effects. It is even better if one becomes focused on one of the methods. Many stories have been told about the effects of doing intensive QiGong and eventually curing cancer. Similar stories can be found on the effects of Yoga and prayers. There was one story of a woman in China who retreated into the mountains to paint when told that she had only two months to live. She returned six months later and her tumours receded miraculously. There are many such inspiring stories and they give hope to those inflicted with cancer and undergoing treatment. It is all due to the power of positive belief.

Th Ong has fought cancer and won. He shares his story and his research to prevent cancer in the first place. He gives his book OnTopOfCancer for Free on the internet at

Friday, August 26, 2011

Information on Cervical Cancer Vaccine

Cervical cancer is the cancer of the cervix, the mouth or the opening of the womb. The cells in the cervix undergo a series of changes over the years and turn into cancerous cells, which can be benign or malignant. Early detection of changes in the cervix cells can be done with the help of regular Pap smear tests which help to treat and cure cancer in the earlier stages. In the United States, about 12,710 new cases of cervix cancer are discovered each year, and about 4,290 of these women die of this malignancy. Although much rarer, anal, oral, and penile cancers, like cervical cancer and cancer of the vagina and vulva, are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV).

Cervical cancer occurs due to the virus called Human Papilloma virus (HPV) which can be transmitted sexually. Women carry a greater risk of infection if they are sexually active with multiple partners without any protection. There have many developments in the field of vaccine for HPV which have made cancer totally curable. Vaccines for cancer are recommended to girls of the age from 9 to 26 before they become sexually active so that they do not get or spread HPV to future partners.

It is also a question whether boys should also be vaccinated against HPV. The vaccine not only reduces HPV risk but also reduces the risk of developing non-cancerous penile and anal cancers and genital warts, which are rarer than cervical cancer. Annually, about 5,820 new cases of anal cancer are discovered, and 3,680 of them are in women.

Cervical cancer vaccines can prevent the fear and costs related to the usual pap tests and it can save lives. HPV can cause cancer of the vagina, vulva, anus and also the head and neck, and genital, plantar and common warts. Regular screening from the age of 21 and regular condom use can reduce the risk. Vaccines are the most effective in girls who have not yet been exposed to various HPV types and hence early age is the best time for vaccination, or before they become sexually active. This cancer often affects women in their reproductive years and hampers the ability of child bearing so it is better to have vaccination in early age. Further queries can also be solved with the help of online doctors.

The safety of vaccines has never been a problem as, there are no live viruses and hence they are extremely safe. Common side effects may be soreness or redness and sometimes headache and fever may also occur. Fever and OTC medications may help to relieve from these effects. New medications are always monitored by public health and regulatory authorities and so vaccines are safe and reliable.

Here author is giving you a complete information about medical products, medical news, cervical cancer, healthcare news. Cervical cancer is malignant neoplasm of the cervix uteri or cervical area, it may present with vaginal bleeding.

Cancer and Your Pool Water - What Do They Have in Common?

I was asked recently what I knew about treating cancer using a pH diet?

And as it happens I know quite a bit, as there is much written about pH levels and cancer. In fact there are many alternative cancer clinics using similar dietary protocols either singularly or in combination with other treatment, to treat cancer patients.

So what is it? How does it work? AND what does it have to do with pool water?

Well there are some things that no one seems to disputes about Cancer:-

1) Cancer loves sugar! - It thrives on it!

2) Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment! - It dies in it!

So I was pondering this over while I was cleaning my pool the other day and the similarity suddenly struck me... the most important thing when trying to maintain a sparkling clean pool, is...

To balance the pH levels First!

It is almost impossible to stop the growth of algae and keep pool water clean, if the pH is off. It is also amazing just how quickly bacteria and algae can grow, ask anyone who has left their pool for a week or so. However, once the correct balance is achieved and the water is stabilised, everything works more efficiently and it is relatively easy to keep a squeaky clean and inviting pool.

So given that we too are 70% water, this starts to make some sense.

If bacteria and algae grow more readily in the unbalanced water, then why too should this not apply to Cancer and our bodies? It is also irrefutable that mold, yeast, parasites, fungus & bacteria are related to cancer.

Our bodies ingest both acid and alkaline substances through food and drink. In order to work optimally and transport sufficient oxygen, a pH balance of around 7.35 needs to be maintained in our blood. This is automatically maintained by dumping excess acid from the blood, into the surrounding cells, which then become more and more acidic.

At a 7.35 pH level we are healthy, bacteria and infection do not grow as readily, as they are not able to survive in the more alkaline environment, just as in the pool water.

We know too, that cancer likes an acidic environment.

Put cancer cells into an alkaline rich substance and they die. So the theory is, that by balancing your bodies pH level (making it more alkaline), you can stop the progress of your cancer. In fact our bodies are really quite remarkable at doing this under normal circumstances.

Unfortunately, our sugar rich diets today, consisting of rich & mostly acidic foods, keep the pH levels of our cells in perfect cancer growing condition. We are basically priming the ideal environment for cancer to start and grow, just as readily as if we ignore the pH level in our pools.

Research shows us that by changing this environment over to a more alkaline one, cancer just like algae, basically dies off.

So how do we do this?

Well that's the beauty of this theory, it is actually relatively easy to do and consists of nothing more difficult than changing how and what we eat and drink.... THAT'S IT!

No expensive drugs, no trips to the doctor AND no adverse side effects!

There is absolutely nothing to lose here and much to gain.!

While it is probably a good idea to get your pH levels tested so you have a base line, it is not absolutely necessary. If you have a fairly normal western diet, it's probably going to show you are acidic and eating more alkaline foodstuffs is not going to harm you.

I have listed some foods/drinks below and I would suggest you try to include more of the alkaline ones with each meal and equally cut back on the more acidic ones. It is most often recommended that you try to get a 80/20 split (80%alkaline, 20%acid) for a real cancer fighting environment. While you may not be able to see what is happening to your cancer; as your body pH begins to balance, you should begin to feel more energised and healthy, which in itself is well worth it.

And please remember, while this article is focused on Cancer, an acidic body is basically a toxic body, one where cells are degenerating and prime for any number of today's chronic and terminal diseases, that fancy a shot at you.

As I stated at the beginning, there is much evidence out there about the destructiveness of acidic pH levels, some detailing in depth, all the science behind this. However, I believe the reason many of us are not aware of its importance, is because it is exactly that, 'too much scientific jargon', which tends to switch us off. So I hope that my use of the pool allegory has encouraged you to read to the end and with luck, inspired you to make the changes necessary to your diet, for a long and healthier life.

Healthy eating all.

NOTE I am not a medical professional. Any changes to your diet should be discussed with your doctor.

Alkaline foodstuff:-

Raw Vegetables and fruit (although I personally keep the fruit to a minimum because of the sugar content).

Olive Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar, Bee Pollen, Fresh fruit juice, Organic Milk (not pasteurised). Green Tea, Dandelion Tea, Ginseng Tea, Eggs, Cottage Cheese, Chicken Breast, Yogurt, Almonds, Tofu, Flax seed.

All herbs, Curry, Ginger, Chili Pepper, Garlic

Also some supplements' such as Potassium & Calcium are very alkaline and you should check your water.

Acid Foods:-

Number one bad guy....cans of soda...just give them up!

Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Peanut butter, Peanuts, Cashews, Walnuts, Cranberries.

Most Grains and Rice, Black beans, Kidney beans, Soy beans, Soy milk, Rice milk,

Pasta, Cheese from Cow, Goat and Sheep, most Meat and Fish, Alcohol.

Copyright 2011 © Helping Hand Life Coaching

Hi my name is Lin Elliott, I am a 10 yr cancer survivor and Life Coach. I help to empower people in their walk away from cancer, providing the support, hope and guidance needed at a time when there is none. Working closely with my clients, we find ways to cope with issues and rebuild lives worth living. Lives free of the baggage, with exciting futures once more on the horizon. For more information:-

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Importance of Breast Awareness in Your Life

Being a woman, you cannot deny value and importance of breast awareness. Knowing how your breasts feel and look is an important part of your breast care. It means if you are an aware woman you can easily notice any unusual change in your breasts. As you know your breasts change its shape and size overtime so it is not simple enough to distinguish between a normal change and an abnormal change. To become an aware woman, a time to time breast self exam is necessary. A self exam enables you to know how your breasts feel and look. It is better for all women especially women of age over 20 years to develop habit of performing regular breast check.

What Changes to Look for?
Remember awareness makes you understand what is normal for your breasts so you need to pay attention and look for unusual changes while performing self exam. To know what changes to look for during self examination following is a brief detail for your guidance.

• Observe the shape of your breasts. Your one breast might look larger or smaller than other breast.
• Look for any change in shape or positioning of nipple. There can be a change in nipple's position and shape. Nipple can also become inverted as well.
• Inflammation on or around nipple of your breasts.
• Discharging of nipples.
• Observe dimpling of breast skin.
• Notice if there is a swelling around your collarbone or armpit.
• A lumpy or thickened breast.
• Observe if you feel pain in any part of your breasts or armpit.

How to Notice these Changes?
Of course, breast self exam is an ideal way to know any unusual changes in your breasts. To know how to do a check following are step by step instructions for your easement.

1. First step is to lie down and put your right arm under your head. You can put a pillow under your right shoulder for your easement.
2. Now move your left index, middle and ring fingers on your breasts to feel for any unusual change like lumpiness or tissue formations. It is wise to make slow and circular movement of your fingers on your breasts.
3. Apply a soft and gentle pressure of your fingers on breasts and keep fingers in constant contact with them. Once you are done, you need to put a little pressure on your breasts. Do not cause any pain in your breasts. A light and gentle push will be enough for this task.
4. Repeat the 3rd step on your armpits and chest and look for any unusual change.
5. Now position the pillow under your left shoulder and perform all above steps for your left breast. Use fingers of your right hand to look for any unusual changes.

Breastlight: An Aid to Breast Self Exam
Breastlight is a breast check device that helps you to know more detailed view of your breasts. It helps to perform self exam in an effective way. It is a useful breast check device that emits a safe red light. Its application on your breasts gives a clear view of inner structure of your breasts. The safe red light of this breast check device shows a pattern of blood vessels and veins as dark lines. This is a normal condition of your breasts but if you notice any dark patches consult it with your doctor.

Claire Tomalin is an advisor and writer to enlighten breast awareness. If you want extensive information about the importance and the best way to enlighten breast awareness. You can contact her directly on her email address: or visit the official website

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How to Slow Down Your Receding Hairline


So you have a receding hairline. Good chance it is the result of male pattern baldness caused by the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). The main things you want to do is slow it down, stop the loss of your hair and then re-grow your lost hair.

So how do you slow down it down? There are several ways to do it, but the first thing to do is determine what is causing your hair loss. As I mentioned earlier, 95% of men with a receding hairline can usually blame DHT for their loss.

Cause Of Receding Hairline

Determining the cause of your hair loss can be very simple. If your family, on either your mothers or fathers side, have a history of hair loss then the chances are good you are losing your hair from male pattern baldness caused by DHT.

If your family has no history of hair loss, then it would be best to visit a dermatologist to determine the exact cause of your receding hairline. There could be many reasons for your loss if it is not from DHT any where from stress to an improper diet or even the medicine you are taking.

Stopping Your Receding Hair

Once you have established the cause of your receding hairline then you can take action to stop it. This is easily done if the loss is not due to DHT. Just eliminate the cause such as eliminating the cause of the stress, change or eliminate your medicine or even improve your diet.

If your receding hairline is caused by DHT then it becomes a little more difficult. But fortunately there are two Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved drugs that can stop a receding hairline. They are Minoxidil and Finasteride.

Minoxidil is a solution you rub on your scalp in the area where you are losing your hair. While Finasteride is a pill you take daily.

To help improve the effects of either Minoxidil or Finasteride, it has been found that taking an herbal supplement, such as Saw Palmetto, can help stop your receding hairline by stopping the production of DHT.


To effectively stop your loss of hair at the hairline you need to remove the cause of your hair loss. This may mean to remove the cause of your stress or even change medicine. But for the majority of men, it will mean to eliminate the production of the hormone DHT by use of Minoxidil or Finasteride.

Jimmy Chase got into hair styling when he was in the Navy. After the Navy, he continued on in the profession of hair styling and studied how people can have beautiful hair.

Jimmy Chase started losing his hair when he turned 50. He has done lots of studies on loss of hair, in both men and women, to determine what works and what doesn't. He has successfully stopped his hair loss and has even re-grown some of his hair.

He promotes what he has learned about hair care, hair loss and re-growing hair via article writing which he has been doing since 2008.

Herbal Hair Loss Remedies Stimulate Hair Growth

Herbal remedies improve circulation, disinfect the scalp and stimulate hair growth.

Licorice extract may help prevent alopecia. Used as a tea, parsley, raspberry, and blackberry strengthens the kidneys. Horsetail is a good source of silica.

Silica helps to keep hair strong, shiny, and sleek.Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and sage tea as these help hair grow.

Catmint or chamomile infusions used as a final rinse can help with itchiness, a source of balding.

Nettles, stinging nettle, birch leaves, aloe, and watercress are excellent blood and skin cleaners. Drink 1 tbsp. of juice of stinging nettle, birch leaves and watercress, mixed in a glass of water to cleanse the blood.

Rosemary or stinging-nettle may help combat dandruff, a source of hair loss. Put a large handful of rosemary into a pan and cover with water. Boil for 10-15 minutes and allow to cool. Strain the mixture through a sieve into a jug containing a few drops of wheat germ or any oil. Use this as a rinse after you have washed your hair with a very mild shampoo.

Arnica, marigold, rosemary, or southernwood are also useful for hair loss. For best results, massage infused oil into the scalp.
Massage scalp regularly with tinctures of stinging nettle, birch, horsetail and rosemary for hair growth stimulation.

Oriental medicine practitioners believe that the condition of the hair is a direct reflection of the blood, the organs responsible for cleansing the blood (especially the kidneys), the sex organs, and the adrenal glands. The condition of the hair follicles is directly affected by the toxicity in the blood.

The hair follicles are responsible for the nourishment of the hair and they also support the growth of hair. Therefore, the first step in treating hair loss is to improve the quality of the blood. This can be done by strengthening the kidneys. Excessive amounts of animal protein and sweet foods can cause the hair at the top of the head to fall out. The sweets, acidic blood, and oils create excessive energy, this excess energy escapes from the body through the top of the head. This causes the hair follicles to expand. As a result, the follicles lose their grip on the hair and allow them to fall out. The solution is to draw the energy back into the body, especially to the body's vital center, known as hara. This restores vitality to the hair follicles and allows them to regain their ability to contract tightly around the roots of the hair, holding it in place.

Many foods, herbs, and certain physiotherapies cause the energy within the body to move downward into the vital center, or hara.

For the Chinese, psoralea seeds and exposure to ultraviolet light restores hair completely. Crushed oyster and clam shell can also be used to increase kidney qi. Moreover, the Chinese doctors believe that mulberries are an excellent tonic for the kidneys, liver, and blood.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Home Remedies to Help Treat Male Pattern Baldness


One of the most common genetic afflictions among men in the United States today is male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. This can occur in men any time after puberty. Though complete baldness is not common a bald spot usually occurs on the crown of the scalp.

In order to effectively combat this condition by stopping the hair loss and start re-growing the hair you have lost, you need to first understand what causes your hair to fall out and not re-grow. Then you can take the proper action.

Cause Of Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition you inherit from your mother or fathers family and is caused by the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). So if you want to know if you will develop this condition, just look at your relatives.

DHT is created in the body when the male hormone testosterone combines with the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. When the DHT hormone is created, it attaches to hair follicles and chokes off nutrients to the hair strand and follicle. Eventually the follicle shrinks and dies, while the hairs growing phase shortens.

The combination of these two actions results in shorter hairs falling out and not re-growing again.

So to stop male pattern baldness, the key is to stop the formation of DHT. Most home remedies do this by inhibiting the 5-alpha reductase enzyme.

Home Remedies

Saw Palmetto- This is one of the most popular home remedies used by both men and women. This was first used by Native American Indians to help urinary tract problems. It was studied by western civilization and found that it inhibited the 5-alpha reductase preventing the formation of DHT.

Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA)- ALA is considered an essential fatty acid you get from certain plant material such as flax seed, walnuts, soy and some dark green leafy vegetables. This has been found to effectively inhibit the 5-alpha reductase enzyme helping to stop hair loss.

Zinc- Zinc has also been shown to prevent the formation of DHT by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.


These are three home remedies you should try to help stop your male pattern baldness by stopping the formation of DHT. The next thing is to re-grow your hair already lost.

The challenge is to revitalize the hair follicle. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA), has approved two drugs to help stop hair loss and re-grow hair. They are Minoxidil, which is rubbed on the scalp, and Finasteride, which is taken as a pill.

It is believed they re-grow hair by increasing the blood flow to the scalp allowing for more nutrients to the affected hair follicles. It is now being recommended, that to stop hair loss and re-grow hair, you should take a home remedy and use one of the two FDA approved drugs.

Jimmy Chase got into hair styling when he was in the Navy. After the Navy, he continued on in the profession of hair styling and studied how people can have beautiful hair.

Jimmy Chase started losing his hair when he turned 50. He has done lots of studies on loss of hair, in both men and women, to determine what works and what doesn't. He has successfully stopped his hair loss and has even re-grown some of his hair.

He promotes what he has learned about hair care, hair loss and re-growing hair via article writing which he has been doing since 2008.

Hair Loss and Women

In proper balance, vitamins help keep the body in as a healthy a state as possible. Not having enough of certain vitamins can cause any number of health conditions including hair loss. Hair loss, women, and vitamin deficiency is a bad connection.

onion juice seems to help in hair growth. Yea, can you believe that? Who would have thought of rubbing onion juice on their head. Anyway, 17 out of 23 subjects in the study who used onion juice experienced hair regrowth in 4 weeks. At 6 weeks, 20 people had hair regrowth. No one mentioned about the smell though. I guess if you don't mind it, you can give it a try. Do it twice daily.

While using a shampoo, avoid using the content directly on your scalp. It is always better to take a small quantity and add some water to it before you apply it directly on your scalp. Besides, once you apply the shampoo, use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp. Avoid scratching the scalp with your fingernails as this causes scarring and also causes the hair to weaken and ultimately break.

For healthy hair and reduction of split ends, get your hair trimmed every couple of months. This also promotes faster growth. Include plenty of green vegetables in your daily meals and avoid tobacco and alcohol. Wash your hair no more than two or three times a week and do not use too many styling products, as these can rob the hair of its vital natural oils.

Exercise and yoga are the best stress busters and results in building a healthy mind and body. Hair fall is caused due to stress, tension, erratic sleep timings, and depression. You can exercise in the evenings also but ensure that you leave a gap of 4-6 hours after meal. Re-growth of hair is also possible if yoga is practiced regularly.

If you want to prevent your hair fall keep in mind that smoking, alcoholism and caffeine are the evil habit and element that do a great harm to your hair and lead you to way of baldness. So try to be away from them if wish to have healthy shinning hair on head.

Losing your hair is inevitable if it runs in your family. Men, in particular, are known to suffer from male pattern baldness, which has been established to be a hereditary condition. If you have a family history of hair loss, it would be wise that you start taking care of your hair as early as possible and not waiting for the hair loss to become really bad.

Monday, August 22, 2011

How to Keep Your Receding Hairline From Showing


A receding hairline comes on slowly in most cases, and will come as a surprise to most men. I have seen a single example of a man who developed male pattern baldness and developed the unique pattern of balding on top of his scalp in a matter of several months. But this is the rare case, in most men who develop male pattern baldness; they lose their hair over several years.

Women who develop female pattern baldness, caused by the same hormone that causes male pattern baldness, will rarely develop a receding hairline. This is because when they develop this hair loss condition they tend to lose their hair uniformly across the scalp.

Hiding A Receding Hairline

Hiding a receding hairline should only be considered a temporary method since you will want to stop your hair loss and re-grow your hair using either Minoxidil or Finasteride, both of which are approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). In the mean time here are some ways to hide your receding hairline.

* Fibers- Most people will suggest wearing a hat. But you cannot wear a hat all the time, especially if you go out to eat, go to church, attend a wedding, etc. To get away from wearing a hat, I use a hair building fiber called Toppik. You sprinkle these fibers on your hair which then binds your hairs closer together, giving your hair a fuller look. These fibers are natural organic keratin protein, the same material that makes up your natural hair.

* Makeup - Some women have had success using makeup, such as eyeliner to fill in thin spots. Though I have never tried it, there are reports of success using this method to conceal a receding hairline.

* Hair Style- Talk to your hair stylist on various ways you can style your hair to cover up your retreating hairline. For example, I grew my hair longer and have combed it slightly forward. This works perfectly for me. There are several other hairstyles your stylist or barber can suggest for you. They may even suggest you shave your head and go bald.

* Grow Facial Hair- One other thing I have done is grown a beard, it helps to distract people away from your receding hairline.


These are three actions you can take to cover your receding hairline while you work to stop your hair loss and start re-growing your hair.

Jimmy Chase got into hair styling when he was in the Navy. After the Navy, he continued on in the profession of hair styling and studied how people can have beautiful hair.

Jimmy Chase started losing his hair when he turned 50. He has done lots of studies on loss of hair, in both men and women, to determine what works and what doesn't. He has successfully stopped his hair loss and has even re-grown some of his hair.

He promotes what he has learned about hair care, hair loss and re-growing hair via article writing which he has been doing since 2008.

Hair Loss Tips - Best Remedy For Rapid Hair Loss

When a person undergoes stress, his or her body systems all go out of whack and there can be some abnormal changes in the production of hormones which can then affect the healthy growth of hair. However, the effects of stress on hair growth can be reversed by doing some activities that can help reduce stress.

Healthy nutrition is also important for healthy hair growth. When you have inadequate iron and vitamins in your body, you will experience hair loss. Researchers have confirmed that lack of Vitamin B12 causes hair loss.

Jojoba oil is one of the most advised hair loss natural remedies. It's very hypoallergenic, so it cleanses the hair from residue that damages the scalp, and at the same time, moisturizes it by regulating the production of sebum.

The nicotinic acid form of vitamin B3, which is applied to the scalp, may help to improve blood circulation to the scalp (and may help stop the loss of hair) - you must have live hair follicles present. The suggested dose has been about 35 mg. of nicotinic acid daily.

Vitamin B5 deficiency causes hair loss in animals but hasn't been proven in humans. Aloe vera and coconut milk, when mixed together in correct proportion have been found to be useful in hair loss problems. Along with its many uses such as treatments for skin conditions and its healing properties, aloe vera is one of the best remedies for hair loss and is an excellent hair conditioner as well. Apply aloe vera gel on the scalp, leave on for fifteen minutes and then wash off with cold water. You can get the gel at many drugstores or obtain the fresh aloe gel from the plant itself.

You can moisten fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and then grind them into a paste. This paste is most often used on the scalp to combat hair loss and the formation of dandruff. It would be very well worth your time to incorporate this remedy into your routine for more hair growth.

Green tea is one of the best herbal hair loss remedies for people who have androgenic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness. This condition is caused by the over production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which attacks the follicles causing the strands to fall out excessively. Green tea contains catechins which prevent an enzyme known as 5-alpha-reductase from converting testosterone into DHT. This allows the follicles to resume their normal functioning so the strands can grow back.

These are known to be miracle herbs for hair if used externally. You must boil rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock in water daily and then strain the herbs from the liquid. Now, use the liquid to wash hair daily.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Signs and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer

The colon and rectum together make up the large intestine and serve as the final passage of food through the body. An optimally functioning large intestine performs several tasks, like removing water and nutrients, processing fibrous content of food for additional nutrients, recycling digestive vitamins like B12, and undergoing muscular contractions to move the feces along at a steady pace.

Since the large intestine is the last stop for many of the toxins eliminated by the lymph and other cleansing organs, a mucous covers the lining of the colon to protect the cells from reabsorbing toxins. The mucous is made by the cells, as well as bacterial populations living primarily on what nutrition can be released from fiber. It is believed that disruptions of the essential tasks of the colon are the cause of polyp growth and over 95% of colorectal cancers.

What are the Signs of Colorectal Cancer?

Cancers of the colon and rectum will take years to develop, and early stages usually show no symptoms. This is unfortunate, because early treatments are the most successful. It points to the need for annual screening in the risk groups below. When symptoms do appear, the may include:

-persisting abdominal pain or discomfort
-chronic fatigue
-weight loss
-bleeding during defecation, with or without pain
-diarrhea, constipation, or the feeling of fullness even after elimination

Signs of colorectal cancer can mimic other health disorders, so it is important to check with a doctor when any are noticed. High risk groups are encouraged to have regular check-ups to screen for colorectal cancer. Over 90% of cases occur in men and women over the age of 50. The risk is increased with chronic disruption of the digestive system, such as seen in alcoholics, smokers, those with low-fiber diets, and people experiencing ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Obesity, personal history of polyps, family history of polyps or colorectal cancer, diabetes, and obesity are also considered high risk groups.

How can Colorectal Cancer be Treated?

The most common treatment, especially in the early stages is surgical removal of the cancer. A colorectal surgeon in Cincinnati will make small incisions in the colon and attempt to determine if the cancer has moved into the base of the polyp. If it has not, then removal is almost always successful. If it has infected the base, the surgeon will take samples of nearby lymph do determine whether it has spread. Chemotherapy, radiation, and targeted drugs are often used in advanced cases. It is important to get annual screening to avoid these more dangerous treatments.

How to Treat Male Pattern Baldness

Hair grows from a cavity in the head that is known as a follicle. Baldness occurs when the hair follicle shrinks in size. In most cases, hair grows back but in men who are suffering from some form of baldness, new hair does not replace the lost ones. While the process of hair loss in not perfectly understood, various medications have been developed for the treatment of male pattern baldness.

The combination of rosemary and sage is also a great herbal mixture for your scalp. Mix one part rosemary and one part sage in a large pot of boiling water. If you can find a nettle plant, try to add a bit of nettle as well. Boil until the water becomes dark, and strain the liquid into a glass jar. Add a very small amount of castile soap to make a shampoo.

Shampoos that contain a herb called Saw Palmetto are effective for treating thinning hair, and are also affordable when compared to more expensive methods such as hair transplants. Finasteride is an FDA approved drug that has shown to help with hair loss and is an active ingredient in many hair growth shampoos.

Most soaps and shampoos have chemicals, so use amla as a substitute. Avoid sulfates, parabens, unfamiliar compounds, and silicones. How do you know your shampoo contains these things? If any words in the ingredient listing end in glycol, "cone", or "ben"---you've got them and they are not only bad for your hair, but also bad for your health. Stay away. Shampoo with amla and massage your scalp with castor oil. Both are wonderful for increased hair growth.

Aromatherapy is helpful in some cases. A soothing scalp massage using lavender oil, bay essential oil along with other oils like almond, coconut, soybean or sesame stimulates hair follicles to a greater extent. You can even try Laser hair treatment. According to research, it increases lymph and blood circulation to hair roots, decreases any kind of scalp inflammation and energizes hair follicles causing hair to grow thicker and fuller.

There are many herbal treatments for hair loss. Herbalists have prescribed bhringaraj, saw palmetto, aloe vera, rosemary, safe and yucca for hair loss. These herbs are easy and safe to use. Buy some of the herbs and grind them up into a fine paste. Spread this paste on your scalp and let it dry. This may take about half an hour to an hour. Once it has dried, wash your scalp and hair to get the residue out of your hair.

Massaging your head using some special natural oils is becoming very customary nowadays. These kind of pure therapies help to prevent hairs from falling out of the scalp. These kinds of products likewise encourage hair regrowth within the exact same places from where they have fallen out.

Mohs Surgery - Why It Is Done?

Skin cancer is one among the widespread kind of skin cancers. Squamous and basal cell carcinoma are probably the more prevalent skin cancers.

Mohs micrographic surgery is usually a method which combines the operative removal of the growth with the instant microscopic study of the growth and also underlying diseased tissues. This procedure is the total recognition and elimination of the tumour unless the skin cancer is gone. surgical procedure contains the optimum cure level and also least probability of re-growth.

Mohs micrographic surgery cures squamous and basal cell cancers. Mohs microscopic surgery can be carried out upon sufferers with a persistent tumor, in case the disease is on your eyelids, lips, nose or ears and in case the edges of the cancerous cells will not be specified as well as keeps growing.

Mohs technique was produced in 1030s with Dr. Frederic Mohs, a popular doctor in the University of Wisconsin.

During the surgery treatment, your doctor makes use of tiny control to find out the degree of the cancer and remove mainly unhealthy areas. Mohs treatment results in the smallest medical wound probable therefore providing the proper aesthetic effect.

Mohs micrographic surgery is completed in four things: surgical removal of the tissues, mapping tissues through freezing and cutting the tissue and after that staining it, and reconstructive treatment of the surgery space.

Mohs micrographic surgery discusses the reduced tissues for further investigation. The doctors analyze and also find the path of your cancerous growth for evidence of continuous cancer roots. After the growth is taken away, other thin part of tissue is removed to look at the cells for leftover cancer cells. The means of taking out layers of skin can be consistent until the melanoma is dead. The doctors operate to reconstruct the region necessary to remedy by itself. The incision might fix on its own or perhaps sealed through sutures. recovery time from mohs micrographic surgery relies upon every individual as well as on the length of the defect. Generally in most parts such as face, wound is normally sealed using stitches to halt distortions or perhaps inappropriate surgical marks of your skin.
If you notice intense discomfort following the surgery treatment, it may be handled using Tylenol. Your doctor will probably prescribe discomfort drugs to make certain that you're confident from the initial periods upon experiencing the treatment.

Mohs surgery team contains the surgeon, histotechnician, pathologist along with a reconstructive doctor. Dr. Frederic was looking at various injectable toxins to evaluate the live inflamed reaction in transplantable rat cancers as well as usual tissues.

Skin experts became the principal professionals for Mohs. In the US, many physicians with their post degree residency programs are necessary to find out Mohs technique and several receive thorough education on mohs.

Anybody can get melanoma. Protecting clothing and also sunscreen lotion are necessary in order to keep nutritious epidermis from getting skin cancer. Mohs micrographic surgery can be a tested treatment to eliminate growths due to cancer of the skin.

Mohs surgery in Orange County offers you best treatment services to satisfy all your needs. To know about plastic surgery Orange County, you can visit our site.

Nancy Shevell is an expert article writer for various topics such as health, beauty, business, law, etc. To know more about plastic surgery Orange County, you can visit our site.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cloning for Hair Transplant Surgery

Research Aims to Multiply Hair, Improve Hair Transplant Scarring

The newest hair transplant surgery research attempts to multiply hair to increase a person's donor hair supply and improve scar outcomes with the use of an extracellular matrix derived from pig bladders.

"The work we are doing today is the logical next step in improving the outcomes of procedures. These double-blind, controlled studies approved by the Western Institutional Review Board are necessary to properly evaluate the use of a nonhuman extracellular matrix (ECM) for improving hair transplant procedure outcomes," says Dr. Robert M. Bernstein, hair transplant surgeon and founder of Bernstein Medical -- Center for Hair Restoration in New York City, who is leading the study.

What is a nonhuman extracellular matrix?

ECM, the substance found between all animal cells and made up of fibrous proteins, provides support for cells, regulates intercellular communication and provides growth factors for wound healing and tissue regeneration. "We are specifically using ACell MatriStem extracellular matrix, which is biologically derived from a pig and has been found to be nonantigenic, meaning it is not susceptible to rejection by humans. We are investigating the many ways this nonhuman ECM can be used to improve hair transplant procedures," explains Bernstein.

Implications for scar improvement in hair transplant surgery

A challenge in hair transplant surgery has been to minimize scarring where the donor hair has been taken. "Previously," Bernstein explains, "if someone has a donor scar, trying to cut out the scar may create more scarring. We have been testing the use of ECM by placing it into the donor incision in order to facilitate healing and make the scar finer. What we found, instead, is that it makes the scar suppler and more amenable to putting in new hair as the scar heals, enabling us to camouflage the scar rather than risk trying to remove it."

Implications for multiplying hairs to increase a person's hair donor supply for hair transplants

In the past a person was limited in a hair transplant by how much donor hair he or she had to spare. "If we can multiply the hairs a person has, then we have more hair to work with, so this research has broad implications for hair transplant procedures," explains Bernstein. "Hair cloning is really just multiplying hairs. We try to stimulate a whole follicle to grow from a partial follicle, either derived from plucked hair or by sectioning the follicle. "Past hair cloning procedures were performed by attempting to multiply hair-producing cells outside of the body. And it was found that if researchers tried to multiply the cells outside the body, they quickly stopped making hair. Even when these in vitro cells were injected into the scalp, cosmetically useful hair wouldn't develop. "In these new studies we are using ECM to prime the holes that the plucked hairs, or sectioned follicles, are being placed into to see if they can be induced to grow. Our preliminary studies are showing that this works to some degree. Other variables, such as using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for its wound-healing and growth-stimulating properties, are being tested as well. Researchers are trying many different variations to see if we can get these plucked hairs and sectioned follicles to grow."

Bernstein continues, "If we can get these cells to grow, the next question is where the genes in this new hair follicle are coming from. Are they coming from the plucked hair or the surrounding skin to form a full follicle?" Hair transplant success has always been based on the scientific theory of "donor dominance," which means the transplanted cells retain the characteristics of where they came from -- in this case, resistant to the androgens (hormones) that cause male pattern baldness. "If we can multiply these androgen-resistant hairs, we don't use up the limited amount of donor hair. We don't know, yet, the full practical uses of what we are studying, and that's what's so exciting," he concludes.

The rest of the hair transplant community shares Bernstein's anticipation. "The possibility of having an unlimited supply of donor hair on hand to treat hair loss is exciting," adds Dr. David S. Orentreich, New York City hair loss treatment specialist, board-certified dermatologist and partner of the Orentreich Medical Group. "We encourage and look forward to further tissue engineering-based research that Dr. Bernstein and others are doing to triumph over the obstacles we presently face in the field of hair restoration surgery."

hair transplant surgery

Naomi Mannino is a freelance writer who writes about health, beauty, and fashion. She is a contributing writer for HairLossDotCom and writes about hair loss treatments and hair loss conditions. For more information please visit:

A Guide To Getting Lung Cancer Treated

Lung cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. It affects both men and women. It can take years to develop. If you are a smoker, you are more at risk. You can consider various treatment options. Surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy are some of them. It depends on how advanced the cancer is. A competent doctor is important to help you get through this difficult time.

You should look on the net for doctors who have experience in this field. Compare their fees, qualifications, and experience level. In case you know someone who has suffered from a similar disease, you can ask him or her for a recommendation.

Check that the hospital has the latest technology. One which will track the tumor so that it is possible to decide which time is the best to tackle it will be beneficial. You will then be able to avoid multiple strong doses. There will also be no need to interfere with nearby healthy tissue.

Check how long the treatment will take and the length of each session. This will help you to plan your schedule and arrive at a cost estimate. Confirm with your insurance whether you are covered for treatment. The center should help you with the paperwork.

The number of sessions you require will depend on what stage the cancer has reached. You should also seek clarification regarding side effects. You should ask your doctor about the stage at which the cancer is and the effect of the treatment.

If you want radiation therapy, schedule a consultation to determine whether it is appropriate for your condition. Radiation therapy is most effective when it is given each time at the same place. In simulation, your body will be marked to make it easy for this to happen.

Weekly status updates are necessary to see whether you are suffering from side effects. After the treatment is over, you may need to come back periodically for check ups. It may also be necessary to do more diagnostic tests.

Look for an established facility when you seek help related to diseases affecting your lung. Elizabethtown residents should look for one in the area, so that it is easy to visit. You will be relieved when you see that your cancer is under control. Altering your lifestyle will also pay off. Stay in contact with your doctor even after the treatment is over.

Lung Elizabethtown - Be careful when you are seeking treatment for diseases related to the lung. Elizabethtown residents should consider Oakwood Cancer Center, which has a team of qualified doctors who are experienced in this area.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Researchers identify genetic clues to prostate cancer

Swedish and American researchers have found five gene variants strongly linked to aggressive prostate cancer, according to a report by a Swedish daily Gothenburg Post on Wednesday.

The findings by the US-Swedish team could transform how is treated by helping doctors identify a subgroup of people whose tumors are more likely to kill them and targeting their tumors accordingly, the report said.

The five genetic markers, LEPR, RNASEL, IL4, CRY1 and ARVCF, are single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Essentially, they are DNA variations that may be linked to disease.

Researchers analyzed DNA in blood samples from 1,309 Seattle-area patients aged 35 to 74 at the time of diagnosis and 22 SNPs were found to be "significantly associated" with -specific mortality.

Further examination of the 22 SNPs in a Swedish group of cancer patients with the same age parameters helped identify the five SNPs that were most closely linked to death from , researchers said.

Patients who carried four or all five of these genetic markers had a 50 percent higher risk of dying from prostate cancer than patients who had two or fewer markers, according to the study.

Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm examined the DNA of 2,800 Swedish men for the study to be published in September. Fredrik Wiklund from the Karolinska Institute said the study results will now need to be verified among the general public.

is the second deadliest among men after lung cancer. About 32,000 men died of in the U.S. each year, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Swedish and American researchers have found five gene variants strongly linked to aggressive prostate cancer, according to a report by a Swedish daily Gothenburg Post on Wednesday.

The findings by the US-Swedish team could transform how prostate cancer is treated by helping doctors identify a subgroup of people whose tumors are more likely to kill them and targeting their tumors accordingly, the report said.

The five genetic markers, LEPR, RNASEL, IL4, CRY1 and ARVCF, are single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Essentially, they are DNA variations that may be linked to disease.

Researchers analyzed DNA in blood samples from 1,309 Seattle-area prostate cancer patients aged 35 to 74 at the time of diagnosis and 22 SNPs were found to be "significantly associated" with prostate cancer-specific mortality.

Further examination of the 22 SNPs in a Swedish group of cancer patients with the same age parameters helped identify the five SNPs that were most closely linked to death from prostate cancer, researchers said.

Patients who carried four or all five of these genetic markers had a 50 percent higher risk of dying from prostate cancer than patients who had two or fewer markers, according to the study.

Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm examined the DNA of 2,800 Swedish men for the study to be published in September. Fredrik Wiklund from the Karolinska Institute said the study results will now need to be verified among the general public.

Prostate cancer is the second deadliest among men after lung cancer. About 32,000 men died of in the U.S. each year, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Hair Loss and 3 Traditional Methods of Treatment

Many traditional methods for hiding or concealing hair loss and male pattern baldness are still used today. There are numerous people who continue to get great results and feel more confident knowing their loss of hair is being covered up. Provided extra care is taken the traditional methods can provide excellent results for sufferers of this traumatic condition.

1. Wigs

The use of wigs is one of the oldest and best known methods of disguising hair loss.

It is commonly interpreted as a sign of weakness or immorality in many cultures around the world, therefore the use of wigs can instantly disguise ones baldness. In Great Britain alone, approximately one and a half million wigs are sold each year, indicating a huge demand for this traditional method of concealing baldness.

The most common form of attachment is to attach a wig to the scalp with tape or glue. This method is far from bulletproof with many wigs becoming detached at inconvenient moments causing huge embarrassment in public. Many wearers are restricted from engaging in many sports and activities in case the wig dislodges, which would be humiliating.

An expensive well fitted wig can almost pass undetected. Noticeable wigs are usually of poorer construction and not custom made or colour matched to the individual. As time passes the wearer's hair colour can alter, allowing the wig to become more apparent.

2. Toupees

Toupees are very similar to wigs but generally cover a much smaller area. The main problems associated are fitting and cleanliness.

You can actually swim and shower with a wig on, but these activities will quickly cause permanent damage to the toupee, as water affects the colour and styling. Soap, sea water and chlorine in swimming pools will quickly shorten the life span of a wig or a toupee.

3.Artificial Hair Thickeners

Hair thickeners or concealers are suitable for thinning or fine hair in alopecia sufferers, a patient with a hair transplant or men with male pattern baldness.

Solid Concealers: These products are coloured powders that coat and thicken the hair without clogging the pores or affecting natural hair growth.

Spray Thickeners: These products are sprayed onto the hair, which covers bald spots or thinning hair. They do require practice to get the desired result. A large range of colours mean almost everyone would be able to find a match, they should be sprayed onto existing hairs to be most effective.

Particle Application: A method to eliminate the appearance of baldness and thinning hair by sprinkling thousands of tiny colour matched hair fibers on to the scalp. The fibres bond with the existing hair by static electricity and will remain in place even in strong winds or torrential rain.

I hope you found this information useful, discover more at;
Hair Advisory....the complete hair bible....

To Your Health and Happiness.

Richard is a biologist who is truly passionate about health and fitness. His life revolves around science, sport, the great outdoors and he is a huge adversary for healthy eating and feeling your best. Having the right knowledge is essential for success and Richard is always eager to help others to reach their full potential.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hairstyles for Evening And Day Time

There are daytime hairstyles and evening hairstyles and even sporty hairstyles. The daytime hairstyles are usually a little bit more informal and sporty hairstyles are definitely informal to the max. We are going to talk about hairstyles that would fit for your fine dining out or to attend a ballet. These are the styles you would wear to a wedding.

If you have long hair, the very best and flattering way you can wear your hair is to have a stylish up do. There are so many variations and styles, you could have a lot of fun deciding which is best for you, and it is important to pay attention to the size of your face. For example, if you have a very round face, it wouldn't be wise to wear all of your hair going back, but to break up your frame with an addition of waves, wisps or curls into the cheek area for the appearance of a more slender face. If you have a small forehead, then it would be good to wear your top going back.

One of the trends for today with weddings is to wear the hair half up and half down. Although it is stylish for the simple reason; that everyone else is wearing it, the style in itself does not bring out the very best in the wearer. However, when the whole hair is up in coiled, weaved curls or braids and fans and a few tendrils are hanging loosely around the face and neck, you will discover a more formal look that befit's the occasion.

A simple look that is great for any evening hairstyle is the faithful French twist. The French twist looks good at work while wearing a suit and accessorized with pearl earrings. This style is quick, modest and classy. A French twist is good at work and elegant in the evenings.

The important thing about going out for the evening is to look like it. Don't be afraid to get all dolled up and this especially includes your hair; as that is what will praise your final appearance. If your hair looks good, you will feel good. If you are wearing a sloppy hairstyle, with a gorgeous evening dress; all anyone will see is the sloppy hairstyle. Your hairstyle is like icing on the cake. It is incomplete until it is placed on there.

Wear jewelry that you feel good in and that brings out the best in your face. If you have a large face, wear larger jewelry that will lend the impression of a smaller face. If you have a smaller face, wear small petite jewelry, larger pieces will only overwhelm your tiny face.

If you have a small face and want to wear your hair in an up do, it should be a modest up do, so you won't look like all hair. You do not want your hair to take away from your attractiveness, but to be complimentary. Many styles overwhelm the faces and decrease your beauty instead of increasing your main attractions.

If you have short hair and only dream of having an up do, you have the option of adding a hairpiece for your fancy affair. There are several types of hairpieces that would meet your need. Some have very small bases that are open webbed for you to mix your own hair into. One of the good things about an open web base piece is that it will allow the scalp on your head to breathe. Yes, to have a healthy scalp; it is vital for your scalp to breathe. Your wig stylist will know by conversing with you; the amount of curls you need and want on your head. This can be the best of both worlds. When you are done for the evening, you simply take your hairpiece off and pin it on your mannequin named Hilda and hide her away in the closet for the night.

Synthetic hair is easier to handle and work with than real hair. With synthetic hair, your curls will stay and not fall. The upkeep is also much more simple than human hair. There are many wig shampoos you can purchase right here on the web. After you rinse thoroughly you simply shake out your hairpiece, you then, hang it up in your shower or clothes line, depending how bold you are. Human hairpieces will fall just like your own hair. You wash, condition, roll and dry and style. There are oblong hair pieces for those who want a cascade of curls in their crown, reaching to their neck. Any hairpiece you can possibly dream of, is for sale today and you really can have it all.

About Caprice Hair Studio: Caprice Hair Studio is a premium hair cutting salon in Toronto, Canada they have stylists who will assist you with any questions you may have. Whether it be a new look, or just a change of color; Caprice hair studio can work together to achieve the look that suits you best. Caprice is a full-service Toronto hair salon and aesthetic studio, offering a hair design, styling services, aesthetic services and highest quality products in a unique, relaxing and elegant atmosphere.