Saturday, September 10, 2011

Esophagus Cancer Symptoms

Unfortunately for those who suffer frequent acid reflux or heartburn, a potential effect of this annoying condition is esophagus cancer. This particular cancer is not extremely widespread, but like any cancer, it can strike anybody at anytime. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. In this article, we'll review esophagus cancer symptoms, its common causes, and some prevention steps you can take.

What is Esophagus Cancer?

Simply put, it's a cancerous growth on the lining of the esophagus. Cells in the lining begin to change and grow, and the longer the cancer goes undetected, the larger and more widespread it can become.

How Can I Tell?

Some of the most common esophagus cancer symptoms are difficulty in swallowing, chest pain that is not heart-related and a sensation of pressure or fullness in the chest. Unfortunately, these symptoms are very common, and can indicate a number of other illnesses. Even more confusing, they can indicate something as benign as overeating!

If you feel or experience any of these (potential) esophagus cancer symptoms on a regular basis, or at a time when you know you haven't eaten too much, see a doctor. It's always better to be proactive about your health than to be diagnosed with latter-stage cancer. Cancers which are found early have the best rates of survival and successful treatment.

What Causes It?

Ironically, one of the most common esophagus cancer symptoms...chest also a symptom of one of its causes. It should be remembered that nobody is clear on what exactly causes this form of cancer, but science has given us many possibilities.

Heartburn, or acid reflux disease, occurs when irritating stomach acids reflux back up into the esophagus. Over time, this irritation, some believe, can damage the lining of the esophagus severely, and these damaged cells may turn malignant.

Several other causes and risk elements have been identified. They include smoking, obesity, a diet which lacks the proper amounts of vegetable and fruits, heavy alcohol consumption and the use of chewing tobacco. Nearly all of these put excess irritation and strain on the esophagus. Obesity appears to be a factor because excess weight increases the body's inflammatory response, raising the risk for virtually every kind of cancer.

Prevention Steps

Now that you know what can cause esophagus cancer, you probably already have a good idea of how to prevent it.

The very first thing you must to do prevent this and any cancer is to begin leading a healthier lifestyle. Stop smoking, cut way back on alcohol use and quit using smokeless tobacco. With your doctor's approval, begin an exercise regimen to help you lose weight and increase your body's overall health. Eat a healthy diet, paying close attention to vegetables, fruits and nuts.

While there is no magic action which will prevent cancer in every case, these very simple steps can help you to lead a more healthy life. A body which is fed properly and exercised regularly is healthier overall, and therefore less likely to develop any chronic disease, including cancer.

For more information about acid reflux complications, please visit

Cod Vs Cancer - Epic Fatty Acid Wars

In this corner, Cod, a mild, flaky fish that represents a number of different fish within the same species. The flesh is a great food and the livers are used to make cod liver oil. This unassuming contender is high in Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA. It is an outstanding dietary source of some of the best cancer fighting nutrients available to all man kind.

In this corner, the great dark challenger, Cancer, all kinds, all forms of this insidious sneaky opponent. Cancer really means just abnormal cells. These cells begin to take root and just keep growing and growing causing all manner of problems usually leading to the death of the host. In this epic battle, our little contender is cod and he holds a couple of secret knockout punches to take on this nasty fighter.

The first thing to get this battle going is increase the daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) to help build healthy cells and curtail the growth of abnormal cells already in the body. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids like those found in the cod fish have continually shown they can protect the body from cancer. The American Journal of Epidemiology published a Norwegian study that a significant decrease in certain cancers when the population had a higher than normal intake of fish oil. The study went on to say, "For those patients who have a high hereditary predisposition to cancer, fish oil supplementation can make an even greater difference in holding all cancers at bay."

In a study published by the Clinical Cancer Research, Dr. Witte and the staff compared diets and lifestyle profiles found that men who continued to eat fish or to make a conscious effort to have a higher than normal essential fatty acid intake reduced the incidence of caner by 63% and reduced the risk of aggressive cancers by more than 68%. Most of those who were afflicted actually died from other natural causes before the cancer could even become a factor. In most cases the cancer was not detected until a post-mortem was completed.

The study also showed that those participants who had more aggressive forms of cancer had a very low level of omega-3 fatty acids in their system and in their diet than their healthier counterparts. In fact had those participants with cancer added fish to their diet just 3 times a month their risk of developing more aggressive strains would have reduced by more than 36%. The omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil reduces overall inflammation in the body, strengthens the cardiovascular system and the autoimmune system.

The review of an additional 14 studies showed researchers a definite connection between the lower incidence of cancers and a higher intake of fish, fish oil and omega-3 supplements. Especially of those cancers of the nervous and digestive system. Women show a greater benefit from the consumption of fish oil than do men but this evidence is anecdotal at best and conclusions have yet to be drawn about a difference based on sex.

While cancer still holds a slight edge in the battle, the small cod fish and his pals, salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, and anchovies are gaining. As more people see the benefits of fish oil and as companies make it a more prominent item in their ingredient lists the incidence of all cancers should begin to decline. Fighting cancer takes all we have and every little advantage you can get, you should take. Fish oil and omega-3 supplements are a great advantage. Use it.

William Allen Wilson is a strong believer and writer within the Naturopathic community. He has been studying and living a naturally healthy lifestyle for more than 20 years and has recently been passing that information to his friends and family. Please visit our site Fish Oil Benefits for more information and to follow the updates as they become available.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Cancer Is Curable, All You Need Is Knowledge

We all believe there are only three ways to treat cancer but that is not true. There are certainly three ways that have a limited ability to remove some of the growths but they are not necessary cures. There are other ways that are far more effective because they deal with the cause or the reasons why it first grew but unfortunately no one can profit from them.

All cancers are curable but only by natural means. Natural ways to rid the body of cancer means finding the reasons why the growths first appeared and removing those reasons. That will allow the body to self-heal through our immune system. This system works for all cancers and works for everyone because we all have an immune system. A cancer growth is only a sign that something is wrong within the body so does it makes sense to weaken the body further with harsh treatments.

The cancer industry is keeping us submissive by suppressing information about true cures and persecuting anyone who dares strays from the three big money orientated treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. While they are very good at applying these treatments, these treatments won't prevent it from spreading or returning again because the growths are only the symptoms and not the problem.

I know it's a very brave choice to go against traditional medicine but true cures means dealing with the cause and that's something our medical specialists don't do. Our medical system is very good at diagnosing cancer but their treatments years ago were ineffective and they are still ineffective today.

If your cancer is serious the changes that are necessary won't be easy. Cancer is a serious disease and the treatment will need to be a full time commitment. Also there is no point in blaming a misplaced gene for a disease of modern western civilization. We have significant control over any bad genes we may have and that control is based on what we put in our mouths, exercise, sunshine, fresh air and adequate rest. That is, the way we should be living.

Of course using food and other lifestyle factors as medicine usually affects the body much more slowly that drugs. But in the end it is a much safer and more thorough option. It works by removing the causes of the illness, where as most drugs merely relieve the outer symptoms. Don't forget that your body strives to heal itself automatically every single day. What you need to do to assist it is to remove the barrier that's been stopping it from healing.

Exercise needs to be addressed as it is crucial when fighting cancer. Any cancer is a result of an immune system that didn't stop wayward cells in the body from dividing so your first priority is to strengthen the immune system and you do that with some exercise everyday. The immune system needs muscular activity to function properly and any form of exercise is beneficial. Simply walking or aerobics are both very beneficial.

Learn about cancer, search for information, and don't put your precious life in somebody else's hands. There is a wealth of information available today but you must be very selective in what you adopt. Any information on healing the body of cancer must revolve around natural living. That is consuming fresh food that's been unmolested by man, a little exercise everyday, a sensible amount of sunshine for the important vitamin D we gain from it, adequate rest and sleep and be aware of the many chemicals we unwittingly use that do cause us harm.

Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition. This article is part of the information contained in his book on genuine ways to overcome cancer using the natural healing ability of the human body. If you are seeking information on how to become cancer free, Alan's web page can be seen at;